Response to a Musical Theatre Hater

Month: January 2013

Response to a Musical Theatre Hater

  Sexton’s article header, “How Can Anyone Who Loves Music Enjoy Musicals?”, is clearly a rhetorical question, but as a fan of musical theatre, otherwise referred to ever so eloquently by Sexton as a “poor sap”, I am obviously too intellectually inferior to understand this and have therefore written him an answer. While the majority of us who write about theatre aim to give fair and balanced opinions, Sexton feels that he and his army of musical theatre haters have been under represented, and so he has written a rather baseless and misinformed article formulated around the argument that acting, singing,…

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Disney Films are like Onions

  Watching Disney films above a certain age is dangerous. The films that were around in the 90s and seemed innocent and fun now have every piece of adult humour visible from the vicar’s erection in the Little Mermaid wedding to ‘SEX’ in the leaves of the wind in Pocahontas. But nevertheless there are times in every adult’s life when you place a child in front of the latest Disney movie. You may even watch it with them. But do you point out that The Lion King is actually a take on Shakespeare’s Hamlet? What about the paedophilic tendencies…

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SSDP Canterbury host screening on Legal Highs

On Tuesday 22nd January 2013, the recently formed chapter of Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) at UKC hosted a screening of a National Geographic documentary that covered many of the myths and facts about drugs sold as ‘legal high’s’. The student run group is part of an umbrella organisation that feels that drug abuse is having a damaging effect on our society and, whom are all united under the desire for better drug policy. It works to provide students with clear and factually backed information about drugs and their effects on the body as well as communities around…

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Millions of technology jobs to be created in Europe by 2016

  On 25th January, EU Telecoms Commissioner, Neelie Kroes, announced a deal with 10 technology and telecom firms, including Hewlett-Packard and O2 parent company Telefonica, to fill 700,000 new high technology jobs by 2015, one million by 2016 and two million by 2020, a fifth of which will be in the UK. This is good news for Europe as the 27-countries that make up the EU now face a record joblessness total of 26.1 million, 10.7% of the working population. The European Commission’s statistics show a 4.3% decrease a year in employed persons working in high-tech manufacturing jobs between…

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Top Ten Ways to Save Money

1. Call in the favours. So you once took a mate for a meal, or bought the house cleaning products for the week. Now you’re out of pocket and it may be time to lean on others a little; with a pleading face and a whining voice you could hint at how poor you really are. Perhaps they could do dinner, just this once? 2. Let’s play a game. A saving game. With yourself or maybe with your housemates. Okay so it sounds a little sad, but try this: take out a twenty and see how long you can…

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