Surviving the Campus Power Cut

Month: February 2013

Surviving the Campus Power Cut

As night draws in during a power cut, safety at the university is the main concern amongst both staff and students. Parties in the dark, hide and seek in the colleges, and elaborate candle displays in your window may seem like a good idea, but not only are these things dangerous, they are also the very things that will attract the Undead. After all, it’s a widely known fact that when the electricity goes out at the University of Kent, it can mean only one thing: the Zombie Apocalypse. Unfortunately, the university doesn’t have a Zombie escape plan –…

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UK’s credit history downgraded from AAA rating for first time in history

  American credit ratings agency Moody’s, has downgraded the UK’s credit rating from AAA to AA1 for the first time in the country’s national history. The announcement made on Friday 22nd February has also had repercussions on several institutions in the country which require fiscal benefits from the government, including two universities. Keele University in Staffordshire and De Montfort University in Leicester have been given “negative outlooks” in correspondence to the downgrade of the national economy. Although this may not have an immediate effect on the combined 30,000 students that study at these universities, it may have a long…

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Proposed plans to build fence amid security concerns for new Chaucer Fields accomodation

Following concerns voiced by St. Edmund’s School, plans are being proposed to erect a two-metre high security fence around a new accommodation block for University of Kent at Canterbury (UKC) students. Building works are scheduled to go ahead on Chaucer Fields, an area within close proximity to St. Edmund’s School, an institute that is almost 300 years old. The chairman of governors at the independent school, Michael Terry, claimed that several members of staff had shown concern about security for the schoolchildren, as some boarders are as young as eight. He went on to assert that the development created…

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Top Ten…Signs You’re Not a Kid Any More

1) You realise that you drink as many cups of coffee in a day as you used to orange squash. How did we ever manage without caffeine?   2) You start having animated conversations with your siblings about the latest supermarket bargains – loo rolls, 9 for £1.50?! O.M.G.   3) You no longer mind if you tread on the odd crack in the pavement – well, it takes twice as long to get to lectures if we try to jump them all.   4) You reluctantly start eating own-brand spaghetti hoops instead of Heinz ‘Alphabetti’. Mealtimes aren’t nearly…

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The Best of Tarantino Soundtracks

‘To me, movies and music go hand in hand. When I’m writing a script, one of the first things I do is find the music I’m going to play for the opening sequence’. Quentin Tarantino himself stresses the importance of music in his films. Famous for being a sort of ‘filmavore’, he also consumes a good deal amount of music. He collects vinyls and when he is making a new movie, he confesses spending hours going through an everlasting list of songs trying to find good pieces of music that will, in his words: ‘layer into the film’. With…

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