Review: Batman: The Telltale Series – Episode 1 & 2

Month: September 2016

Review: Batman: The Telltale Series – Episode 1 & 2

They’ve given us zombies. They’ve given us fairy-tale creatures. They’ve even given us a visit to Westeros. Now, game developer Telltale Games’ newest entry invites players into the dark crime-ridden world that is Gotham City, to take on the role of Bruce Wayne and his alter ego, The Batman. To those unfamiliar, Telltale titles differ from your traditional game; the focus is not so much on the gameplay, but rather the story itself and the choices you make along the way. Think of a television show, only you get to decide how it plays out with some minimal gameplay…

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Get Into Podcasts!

Podcasts: the new and improved radio! Whatever you want, whenever you want, wherever you want, all you need is your phone and a pair of headphones and you’re good to go! The first podcasts Wesley Triffitt listened to were comedic and he recommends this as a great entry point into podcasts. Here are his three favorite comedy podcasts that he recommends newcomers go and check out. 1. My Dad Wrote A Porno “I think it’s a bit of fun isn’t it? For a 60-year-old man to just write about boobs” explains Jamie Morton. You would easily be forgiven for thinking…

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Hillary, better than the best of a bad bunch?

Like many young people, by the end of the campaign for the Democrat nominee for President of the United States: Bernie Sanders was my man. Moving past the fact that I couldn’t vote and that I initially backed Hillary Clinton’s campaign, he won my affection with his clean image, fresh message and infectious heartfelt speeches. I found his campaign invigorating, important and as something that not just America needed but equally something that the poor and young in America deserved. I don’t claim to be an expert on U.S politics. I have made multiple predictions before on the rise…

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Fee Free UKC: Should We Have To Pay To Use The Campus Gym?

The gym at the University of Kent at Canterbury campus will set you back £231 for an academic year if you choose Gold Membership. I consider this cost to be very high and unfair on students and the case for making the gym free to every student at the University of Kent is one that will benefit not only the students, but the university as a whole. One of the main benefits for students is that the gym can encourage a healthy lifestyle. Especially considering the fact that existing food outlets on campus are resoundingly unhealthy and there is…

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Grand Opening of New Kent Law Clinic

Deputy President of the UK Supreme Court, the Right Honourable Baroness Hale of Richmond, will open the new £5 million Law Clinic at the University of Kent on Thursday 6 October. The new law clinic, to be known as the Wigoder Law building, is situated between Eliot and Rutherford and is named after the key benefactor, The Honourable Charles Wigoder, who helped fund the completion of the new building. The grand opening of the new location for the Kent Law Clinic will be followed by a keynote speech, entitled Human Rights and Social Justice, which will take place in…

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