Review: Laura Marling – Semper Femina

Month: March 2017

Review: Laura Marling – Semper Femina

Thoughtful and introspective as ever, Laura Marling’s sixth album Semper Femina makes a measured and deeply personal study of female friendship. This is very much an album about women; however, it is not the male gaze, but the female through which we see them. Marling subverts and reclaims stereotypes placed on women; even the quote from which the album title is taken, the supercilious warning of Roman poet Virgil that “woman is always fickle and changeable” is embraced. Plucked from the statement, ‘always woman’ (or, ‘Semper Femina’) becomes an empowering affirmation of identity; one that Marling in fact had…

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Beauty and the Russian Ban

Russian MP, Vitaly Milonov has reportedly called for the new Disney adaptation of ‘Beauty and the Beast’ to be banned for, “peddling,” “Gay Propaganda.” In 2013 Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin, signed legislation into law placing a ban on “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations.” While plans for the film still went ahead, a revised rating of 16+ has been applied, ensuring it will be kept away from Russian minors. The mentality behind it is to reinforce traditional Russian values over liberalised western culture. Not only does this have huge implications for increased discrimination of the LGBT community in Russia,…

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Review: Childish Gambino – Awaken, My Love!

If you’ve watched NBC sitcom Community, you’ve seen him. If you’re a hip-hop fan, you’ve likely heard him in ‘Sweatpants’ or ‘3005’. He’s recently landed major roles in the next Star Wars and Spiderman: Homecoming, and will be playing Simba in a remake of The Lion King. If you haven’t already guessed, I’m talking about Donald Glover or, as he is known in the hip-hop world, Childish Gambino. His first album Camp (2011) contained moments of witty lyricism mainly in the form of disses, as he established his rapper identity, grabbing the attention of the public who knew him…

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Investigating Sports Related Dementia

Scientific studies have allowed for the conjecture that head collisions frequent in sports like football and rugby may lead to the development of dementia in the players at a later stage, as the result of a lengthy cognitive decline after years of sustaining seemingly minor head injuries and concussions. The association of sports with neurological diseases is more than reasonable; the first time I watched rugby, I thought how fantastic it was and what an impact some of the manoeuvres must have on the players’ health. In a recent British study, a post-mortem of six former football players with…

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A Trip to North Korea

North Korea, or the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, as the officials there you want you to call it, is not as closed as you might think. For a few years now, Pyongyang’s regime allows tourists groups to enter the country. Getting there from Asia is not complicated. As long as you follow their rules, and are part of a group, you will be able to grasp a furtive outlook of the most recluse country on earth. The following photo-story has been made possible thanks to a trip I made in May 2016, while I was finishing my year…

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