Stranded on a desert island, what one thing could you absolutely not live without?

Latest Features

By Features Team on 1.5.2023

Stranded on a desert island, what one thing could you absolutely not live without?

Make-up? Your favourite book? How about something sentimental like a family photo? If you were stranded on a desert island and could only take one thing with you, what would it be?

To help you, we’ll eliminate some obvious choices.. there is a spring for fresh water and plenty of coconuts and other fruit trees so you will not starve or go thirsty.

Post the one thing you could not live without if you were stranded on a desert island below and the best answers will be featured in next term’s first issue of inQuire!


  • Without the one I love, I could not survive anywhere..

    By Anonymous on 3.5.2023

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  • The one thing that I could not live without is my bed. You can face anything with a goodnight’s sleep!

    By Meili on 1.5.2023

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  • Cigarettes! And lots of them.

    By Carl on 1.5.2023

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  • My dvd collection. Of course, there would have to be a portable dvd player to go along with that. If not, I could still play Frisbee with the discs or use one to light a fire. Handy!

    By Becky Bright on 1.5.2023

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  • It would have to be my iPod! Oh and an unlimited supply of power… Can I get a charger thrown in there too?

    By Jayna on 1.5.2023

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