About inQuire Live


By website-editor on 17.1.2024

About inQuire Live

Website Contacts:

Daniel White – Website Editor – website.editor@inquiremedia.co.uk

Edward Payne – News Editor – website.news@inquiremedia.co.uk

Joel Goodman – Comment Editor – website.comment@inquiremedia.co.uk

Nina Collins – Features Editor – website.features@inquiremedia.co.uk

Mary Oshinbolu – Entertainment Editor – website.entertainment@inquiremedia.co.uk

Ben Taylor – Sport Editor – website.sport@inquiremedia.co.uk

TBC – Webmaster – webmaster@inquiremedia.co.uk

Other Useful Contacts:

Carl English – inQuire Media Group Chairperson – chairman@inquiremedia.co.uk

Daniela Prataviera – inQuire Newspaper Editor – newspaper.editor@inquiremedia.co.uk

Jayna Rana – IQ Editor – iq.editor@inquiremedia.co.uk

inQuire Live is run by student volunteers at the University of Kent.

To contribute articles to inQuire Live you must be a registered student at the University of Kent and also be a member if inQuire, instructions on how to join are here: http://www.inquirelive.co.uk/join

If you’re planning on writing for us it may also be useful to attend our weekly meetings which are held every Monday at 6.30pm in KLT2 (Keynes Lecture Theatre 2) Here section editors will offer topics of articles for the members to write about, you may also come with already written pieces for editors to consider for publication.

inQuirelive.co.uk was created with the aim of extending the University of Kent’s student voice past the newspaper and into cyber space. Our mission is to not only reach the students reading the print version but extend ourselves further into the student community by facilitating the web based format to it’s utmost potential. Most notably this includes the ability for anyone to use inQuirelive to post an article or comment on an already published piece. The latest version of the site was designed by Move Ahead Design and was released during Welcome Week in September 2008.

We hope you enjoy using the website, if you have any comments, constructive criticisms, or thoughts then please contact us using the details above.

Useful links and further information:



Visit our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1746897384&sk=info

And send us a tweet too: http://www.twitter.com/inquirelive

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