









  • Why Are Rape Proof Pants Actually an ‘Excellent Idea’?

  • Digital Deniers: The Holocaust in the eye of the Beholder

  • President Trump: A British-American View

  • Marching and Morgan: Why Do Some Men React Badly To Feminism?

  • Top 10 tips for Britts moving to America

  • Holocaust Memorial Day 2017: Lessons From Auschwitz

  • Appointment of new University of Kent Vice-Chancellor and President

  • Global Britain: Britain’s Broken Trains and the Forgotten Issue

  • Theresa May finally lays down the ground rules

  • Driver arrested on suspicion of drink driving after incident near Canterbury Campus



  • Susannah Townsend awarded MBE

  • Julian Brazier MP awarded a knighthood

  • Man found hanged at his home in Canterbury

  • 15 Years of Xbox: Celebrating Fable 2

  • Theresa May speaks of a ‘Transitional Brexit Deal’

  • French Election 2017: Who’s in pole position?

  • £90,000 raised by students in successful telephone campaign

  • Mentally ill student threatened ‘mass killing’ on University of Kent Medway Campus



  • Kent Union condemns UKC’s increase in tuition fees

  • Ireland Rewriting History

  • England Triumphs over South Africa

  • Update: ‘Ellie the Elephant’ vandalised for second time in protest at Medway Campus

  • The Rise of Western Nationalism: The Greatest Paradigm Shift Since The French Revolution

    The Rise of Western Nationalism: The Greatest Paradigm Shift Since The French Revolution

  • Italy and France hold the keys to Europe’s Future: How did it come to this?

  • Amendment would allow British citizens to keep EU privileges post Brexit

    Amendment would allow British citizens to keep EU privileges post Brexit

  • Student kitchen destroyed after cooking fire in Canterbury

  • Leonardo DiCaprio’s ‘Before The Flood’ After Trump

  • LEONARD COHEN: From Vinyl to the Cloud

  • 2016 Was Nothing New: The Nastiest Ever U.S Election Moments

    2016 Was Nothing New: The Nastiest Ever U.S Election Moments

  • Deck the halls with Pumpkin Patches: Consumerism and Seasonalism

    Deck the halls with Pumpkin Patches: Consumerism and Seasonalism

  • ‘Before the Flood’: the power of change is in your hands

    ‘Before the Flood’: the power of change is in your hands

  • U.S Election Result: It’s Trump Time

  • The RSPB- the UK’s largest nature conservation charity visits Kent

  • Reflections from Working with a Charity

  • What’s in my handbag- Autumn and Winter Edition

    What’s in my handbag- Autumn and Winter Edition

  • Shaun Fenton: independent schools can be part of the solution.

    Shaun Fenton: independent schools can be part of the solution.

  • Kent Union: An Apology Isn’t Enough

    Kent Union: An Apology Isn’t Enough





  • Review: Batman: The Telltale Series – Episode 1 & 2

  • Fee Free UKC: Should We Have To Pay To Use The Campus Gym?

    Fee Free UKC: Should We Have To Pay To Use The Campus Gym?

  • Our Top 5 Most Anticipated Games This Autumn

  • Freshers urged to get vaccinated against deadly MenW bug

    Freshers urged to get vaccinated against deadly MenW bug

  • Recycling on Campus- Start of the year with the environment in mind!



  • Reported gas leak at new law clinic building, Canterbury campus

    Reported gas leak at new law clinic building, Canterbury campus

  • 850 complaints made about rented properties in Canterbury

    850 complaints made about rented properties in Canterbury

  • Construction of Student Hub halted

    Construction of Student Hub halted

  • University response to Brexit questioned

    University response to Brexit questioned

  • Student safety at the University of Kent

    Student safety at the University of Kent



  • Calling all poets: London anthology project now open for submissions

    Calling all poets: London anthology project now open for submissions

  • Book Review: The Little Red Chairs by Edna O’Brien

    Book Review: The Little Red Chairs by Edna O’Brien







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