The Conservative Party: A civil war in sight?

Author: Alex Miller


The Conservative Party: A civil war in sight?

The budget week is always a big one for those interested in politics. There have been few budgets in recent years bigger than the one announced on 16 March, though, because of the fallout that swiftly followed the Chancellor’s beaming face on the doorstep of Number 10. He proudly showed off the red briefcase containing his work of art, but whilst we became initially distracted by the new sugar tax and Jamie Oliver’s delight and the window dressing of the proposed HS3 rail link, there was a storm brewing. As the budget began to crumble, Osborne’s smile turned to…

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Brexit is not just about Britain when the outside forces weigh in

The vote set to take place on the 23 June has been cited as the most important vote that Britons have had to make in a generation. Do we protect British jobs and retain markets for British produce or do we take back full control of our British borders and make sure all political decisions are made in Britain and not in Brussels will be decided. This isn’t solely a British based issue though; global influences will greatly affect the way the UK votes this summer. The obvious international factor influencing British voters is the migrant crisis that has…

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Crumbling Parliament: The argument behind rebuilding Westminster

How do you think the headlines would look? ‘MPs vote to renovate their offices and meeting rooms at great expense whilst disability allowance and local councils get hit with cuts’. It wouldn’t exactly be a crowd pleaser. What’s more the tabloid press would be enraged every other day by the fitting of desks that cost £20 more than the average UK desk or a great curtain scandal where frivolous MPs received unnecessarily long curtains, wasting vital taxpayer’s money. News this week that the Palace of Westminster, the seat of UK politics, is a severe fire risk unless repair work…

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EU referendum: Make or break for Boris

If this referendum was a 2005 Marks and Spencer advert it would say ‘This is not just any referendum’. That’s because the vote, which is set to take place on 23 June, is a leadership contest, second independence referendum, a big influence on the local elections and a vote which could shape Westminster in 2020, all rolled into one. If Scotland votes to stay but the rest of the UK votes to drag Britain out of the EU, then Scotland could opt for another say on whether they should be independent. The referendum could greatly influence the way the…

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UKC Men’s Rugby Thirds Stun CCCU 43-7 to clinch Varsity title for Team Kent 

UKC Men’s Rugby Thirds Stun CCCU 43-7 to clinch Varsity title for Team Kent

Alex Miller watched on as the UKC Men’s thirds rugby team gave an impressive display on the fourth day of the 2016 Canterbury Varsity, stunning CCCU 43-7 and clinching the Varsity 2016 title for Team Kent. The match began as a cagey affair with both teams showing early nerves in the opening minutes of the match. Sustained pressure from UKC soon followed though, with early promising runs from Ruben Fernandez-Zhou. The deadlock was broken in the thirteenth minute with UKC kicking to touch from a penalty on the 22 and driving over the line from the line-out. The conversion…

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