Domestic Violence: A Russian Regression

Category: International

Domestic Violence: A Russian Regression 

Domestic Violence: A Russian Regression

In February passed Yelena Mizulina’s law proposal to reduce most incidents of domestic violence…

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America and Russia: a “Special” Relationship? 

America and Russia: a “Special” Relationship?

What did we learn about the future of America’s relationship with Russia from the first…

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Protests Against Trump’s Immigration Ban: A Timeline 

Protests Against Trump’s Immigration Ban: A Timeline

Protests Against Trumps Immigration Ban: A Timeline February 3rd Judge James Robart of the Federal…

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Theresa May speaks of a ‘Transitional Brexit Deal’ 

Theresa May speaks of a ‘Transitional Brexit Deal’

Priminister Theresa May has stated that her government will work towards avoiding a cliff-edge…

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Amendment would allow British citizens to keep EU privileges post Brexit 

Amendment would allow British citizens to keep EU privileges post Brexit

The suggestion that britons could opt to keep the privileges of an EU citizen even after Brexit is…

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A student’s “political knee-jerk reaction” to President-Elect Donald Trump 

A student’s “political knee-jerk reaction” to President-Elect Donald Trump

As some of the major results began to roll in; Ohio, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Florida, I began…

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China abandons one-child policy 

China abandons one-child policy

On the 29 of October, the government of China announced the end of the controversial One Child…

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Kent Alumnus E.L. James releases a 50 Shades spin-off 

Kent Alumnus E.L. James releases a 50 Shades spin-off

Sex sells? Well for the Fifty Shades of Grey franchise it certainly does! And she’s at it…

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Kent study reveals average-sized models could help sell more fashion 

Kent study reveals average-sized models could help sell more fashion

The fashion industry’s preference of size zero models has been criticised a lot in the past,…

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Website offering fake university degree certificates under investigation 

Website offering fake university degree certificates under investigation

A government body is investigating the sale of fake university degree certificates by a website in…

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