Response to a Musical Theatre Hater


Response to a Musical Theatre Hater

Sexton’s article header, “How Can Anyone Who Loves Music Enjoy Musicals?”, is clearly a rhetorical question, but as a fan of musical theatre, otherwise referred to ever … Continue Reading →


Disney Films are like Onions

Watching Disney films above a certain age is dangerous. The films that were around in the 90s and seemed innocent and fun now have every piece of adult humour visible from the … Continue Reading →


SSDP Canterbury host screening on Legal Highs

On Tuesday 22nd January 2013, the recently formed chapter of Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) at UKC hosted a screening of a National Geographic documentary that covered many … Continue Reading →

european union

Millions of technology jobs to be created in Europe by 2016

On 25th January, EU Telecoms Commissioner, Neelie Kroes, announced a deal with 10 technology and telecom firms, including Hewlett-Packard and O2 parent company Telefonica, to … Continue Reading →


Top Ten Ways to Save Money

1. Call in the favours. So you once took a mate for a meal, or bought the house cleaning products for the week. Now you’re out of pocket and it may be time to lean on others a little; … Continue Reading →


PHD Info: Anthropology and Conservation

Alumni Bernadette Montanari has recently completed her PhD at the University of Kent’s School of Anthropology and Conservation. For the past 9 years, she has been doing research … Continue Reading →


The cost of raising a child soars

The cost of raising a child to the age of 21 has soared to £222,458, with parents paying 58% more than a decade ago, according to a study published today.
The annual ‘cost … Continue Reading →

Soldiers in Mali

Africa; the “new Middle East”?

Since 2012, the West African country of Mali has been experiencing great amounts of change. In March of that year, a military coup was carried out in response to the mishandling … Continue Reading →

The logo of the Football Fans Society

Football Fans Society: Two sides of the Frank Lampard debate

Justin Fox’s view:
When I first sat down to write this piece, I was initially going to start off with a glowing tribute to one of the finest players to have ever worn the Chelsea … Continue Reading →

Money tree

Start-Up Loans Extended for Small Businesses

It has been confirmed that the coalition will extend its start-up loan scheme. The government has stated that £110 million has been set aside so that small businesses can be able … Continue Reading →

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