Tea and Croissants:You Have Been Stereotyped


Tea and Croissants:You Have Been Stereotyped

Marianne Cazaux brings back the age old Anglo-French feud in the form of stereotypes and reminds us of their absurdity.
What could be more annoying than listening to people … Continue Reading →

71537267PM009_VINTAGE_BREWE Pint of Beer on a Bar

Introduction of an Alcohol Tax in Canterbury

Canterbury City Council is looking into a new tax on businesses that sell alcohol after midnight, such as clubs, bars and off-licences, which will fund extra policing and street cleaning … Continue Reading →


Folklore, Disney and Shakespeare: An Interview with Mark Hayward, Producer of Grimm Fairytales

Emma Greenacre talks to Mark Hayward, Producer of Grimm Fairy Tales, about amphibians being thrown against walls to break spells, evil step-sisters having their eyes pecked out, … Continue Reading →

Jack and the Beanstalk

Interview with Jack and the Beanstalk Cast

As the pantomime season kicks off, InQuire’s Emma Shelton and Dan English chat to Samantha Womack (Eastenders) and Phil Gallagher (CBeebies’ Mister Maker), lead actors in this … Continue Reading →


Three Canterbury Police Officers Suspended for Misconduct

Three police officers were suspended after allegedly assaulting a man in a department store on Canterbury high street. CCTV footage shows three Kent police officers detaining a man … Continue Reading →


2013: The Best Year for Music?

Will Butler questions whether 2013 has been the best year for music or if ithas peaked too soon.
Back in June, Queens of the Stone Age released their fifth LP …Like Clockwork. Armed … Continue Reading →


More Focus on a Fair Internship System

The government has recently announced that it is going to begin providing more help and information to interns, in order to ensure they are paid for the work they do.
The Department … Continue Reading →


We’re About to Experience Winter… Everyone Panic

Rosanna Shaw’s tongue-in-cheek advice on this year’s winter may come in handy when the snow finally falls.
Winter is coming! Game of Thrones references aside, the temperature … Continue Reading →


Canterbury in Pictures: Autumn

Canterbury is a scenic town in it’s own right but there’s no doubt the changing of the seasons gives it a fresh, vibrant new look. This week both Jessica Mills and Sian … Continue Reading →


Are Adverts Seen as a Form of Entertainment Now, Because so Much Money is Spent on Them?

Adverts have evolved substantially throughout the years with millions of pounds being spent on them. Tory Gillespie asks if adverts are now a form of entertainment or if it is a waste … Continue Reading →

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