We Check Out Why It’s Happy Days At The Marlowe Theatre

HappyDays 4 (2mb) Photo Paul Coltas

We Check Out Why It’s Happy Days At The Marlowe Theatre

Dan English, Newspaper Sports Editor, sees the return of Happy Days – not just from finishing exams – but from a musical adaptation of the iconic American sitcom now showing … Continue Reading →

Faith in Humanity Restored

Making the transition from the comfortable cocoon of UKC to the cynical working world of publishing, Matt Gilley shares the positive stories he heard during his work experience … Continue Reading →


What you need to know about The Full English Festival

Ahead of the Full English Festival next week, Chairwoman, Natalie Tipping caught up with the founders of this brand new event to find out what it’s all about and how students can … Continue Reading →

European Elections – A European’s Viewpoint

European Elections. They happened. People voted and we got a result. Anything else to say?
Oh yes, the minor issue that UKIP won. UKIP won and since then, my Facebook page has been … Continue Reading →


“I’m very grateful to the university” – Interview with Charlotte Green

Welcome to the Student Media Centre!
The University of Kent’s new Student Media Centre was officially opened on Wednesday 30 April by BBC radio broadcaster and Kent Alumni, Charlotte … Continue Reading →

Clubbin’ it up… Templeman Style

Our very own Website Editor Emily Adams offers her thoughts on Club Templeman. The only place to be seen on campus this term.
The building of crippling stress, all-nighters and caffeine … Continue Reading →

The Worst Premier League Managers Of All Time

Sebastian Szlenkier runs the rule over who should be considered to be among the worst managers in Premier League history.
Name: Mike Walker
Club: Everton
Time in charge: January … Continue Reading →

kent union logo

UKC Student Rep Elections: Results

After four days of voting, Kent Union have released the results of the 2014 Student Rep Elections, which showcased hopeful candidates representing an array of different roles across … Continue Reading →

Top 5 Alternative Albums For Your Revision Playlist

At this time of year, revision is inevitable. It’s hard enough to work when it’s sunny outside and all you want to do is lie on a grassy hill in a fashion akin to a cat. For me … Continue Reading →

nine eleven wristbands

Memorial Museum Gift Shop Sells 9/11 Souvenirs

A memorial museum exhibiting the September 11th (9/11) attacks has come under controversy from the public and victims’ families alike due to the 9/11 memorabilia sold in the … Continue Reading →

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