NUS Responds to Student Loans Overhaul Plan


NUS Responds to Student Loans Overhaul Plan

After a series of revelations regarding the Government’s current student loans plan, The National Union of Students responds to talks of a new policy that could completely overhaul … Continue Reading →

No woman wants a Spencer Matthews-style love rat for a man..

Reality television must be one of our ultimate guilty pleasures. We love the drama, the love triangles and the clearly staged fight scenes with someone inevitably getting a glass of … Continue Reading →

BUCS release 2014/15 fixture list

Some intriguing encounters are in the offing for Kent’s various sports clubs next season as shown by the BUCS 2014/15 fixture list, which was unveiled earlier this week.
These … Continue Reading →


The 5 must-attend events at the Whitstable Oyster Festival this year

If you’re still in Canterbury and looking to enjoy the warm weather, then a visit to the Whitstable Oyster Festival is something you should be planning. The seven day … Continue Reading →


West Side Story Comes to the Marlowe

Something’s coming, something good… As West Side Story comes to the Marlowe, Emily Adams and Hetty Sieling watch the Sharks and Jets battle it out here in the South East.
On … Continue Reading →


A Day Off from Gove’s ‘British Values’

Ginny Sanderson gives her view on the public sector strikes on 10th July.
If I was a school pupil, I’m sure I wouldn’t mind taking a day off from Gove’s British Values (which … Continue Reading →

TV summer

InQuire’s 5 Summer Netflix Picks

Summers are for long days, festivals and whirlwind romances. Well, at least it was in the 90s. Alas, now it’s a time of trying to find work experience, part-time jobs and seeing … Continue Reading →

Medway Essentials to stay OPEN

Kent Union CEO Jim Gardener announced in an email today to union staff that it has been agreed to keep Medway Essentials open for 2014/15, due to a subsidy focussing on creating … Continue Reading →

Axing Environmental Studies is ECOCIDE

Early last month, the qualifications watchdog in the UK, Ofqual, announced plans to scrap dozens of GCSE and A Level subjects as part of a reform to our education and exams … Continue Reading →


The Greens – “A Party Worth Voting For”

With the Green Party polling at 18% popularity among students, Ersi Kalentzi gives her view on the “most viable alternative on the current political stage”.
In 2013, … Continue Reading →

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