Students vs Smart Phones: Four Apps To Distract Your Studies
There was a time when if students didn’t want to study they had to get creative in their methods of procrastination. Now the age of the app has come along and, with it, thousands of far simpler methods. Frankly, I’m fed up of people constantly criticising apps. It’s not their fault we’re easily distracted humans – in fact, I think apps should be celebrated. So here are four apps that showcase the ways the modern student procrastinates.
Most Likely To Be A Loophole: YouTube
Those among us who pretend to have restraint will have downloaded one of those programmes that block certain websites, myself included. Believe me; was at the top of the list of sites to block. But you know, everyone needs a break, and with no fun websites available on my laptop, I find myself on my phone. Good, now I can still watch a YouTube video on my study break. Great, there’s another good one just below it. Brilliant, I’ve finished the day with 10 words of my essay written.
Most Likely To Be Checked For No Reason: Simpsons Tapped Out
You know what? Just include all freemium games here. For those who didn’t Google the technical term for these little buggers – let me fill you in. Freemium games are those little games where you collect some kind of “currency”, build things, and get sick of waiting to collect currency or build things, so you pay actual money to do them quicker. But I digress. I could not count on two hands the amount of times I’ve checked these games on my phone to see if anything “interesting” has happened. But I also don’t think I could count on more than one hand how many times anything at all has actually happened.
Biggest Waste of Time: Snapchat
Oh good god. I’ll keep this short because the fact this distracts anyone, let alone me, is actually more annoying than impressive. The pictures last 10 SECONDS people, 10 SECONDS, tops. Even if you’re one of the “geniuses” who screenshots them, chances are you’ve just wasted that time on a mug shot, a picture of someone’s food or of their dog. Okay, the last one might be worth it. But still, stop it. Or at least don’t send pictures back.
Most Unexpected Procrastinator: Goodreads
This might just be unique to me but I wanted to put it out there because I find it legitimately shocking. See, when I first got into the procrastination game, I tried to find an app that wouldn’t eat up so much time, that I might get bored of and wouldn’t need to check too often. So I thought; book reviews. I mean, I like books, but I hate complaining that isn’t mine… except I may or may not have underestimated how some people express their hate of novels. And by how, I mean how hilariously.
So with all of that in mind, I wish you luck with your future revision. God knows we all need it. Now I’m off to read some book reviews… I mean my Romanticism text book.
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