Hodgetts Needs Your Help!

Hodgetts Needs Your Help!

One UKC student, Lily Hodgetts, has embarked on a quest to win ‘The Best Summer Job in Great Britain’ with Jack Wills this summer. Having made it through to the final 50 applicants, Lily is now in need of votes to send her through to the next round.

The competition, which runs every year, would give Lily a four week internship as a brand ambassador for Jack Wills in which she will get to spend a week at their London Head Office, attend numerous Jack Wills’ events, gain experience from the company and even get the opportunity to spend a week at their HQ in America! Not only that, but the competition also includes a year’s worth of tuition fees paid for two winners.

Lily is currently a first year English Language and Linguistics student and has often expressed her desire to work in advertising and marketing. This internship could offer her valuable experience, teaching her how Jack Wills market their brand both in the UK and in the US. As an enthusiastic, sociable, outgoing student who is keen to get involved in anything and everything at UKC, Lily knows she could fit in well with the Jack Wills team.

This is a prize not to be missed, and Lily wants it! “It will be an amazing and unmissable experience. I’m so happy to be in the final 50 but now I want to get to the final 10 and then the final two… I want to win it!” However, what she wants people to know most is, “it’s not all about the tuition fees or the time in America for me, it’s about the experience I will gain from it, I know how important this could be for my future.’

To get to the next stage, Lily faces strong competition from like-minded students across the country. The five students with the highest amount of votes will automatically go through, whilst five others will be picked by the judges on the quality of their applications. The judges will look at the content and expressiveness of each entry which you can view online. To get to this stage Lily had to write about what the best summer of her life would involve; ‘A great summer involves meeting new people, creating memories and taking part in unforgettable experiences…I would like to be pushed out of my comfort zone…’. When asked what is the ‘next thing on your wish list’ Lily answered, ‘To own a British Bulldog’. An unexpected and original answer as always from Lily should hopefully make her stand out.

If Lily makes it to the final 10 she will be asked to attend an interview at the Jack Wills Headquarters, before ‘a guy and a girl’ are picked for the internship but first she needs votes. Everyone is allowed to vote 3 times and whilst she is doing well, she could always do with more help. “I am already so grateful that people have voted. It means so much to know that people are helping me to achieve what I want so please keep voting! I’ll be eternally grateful!”

The Facebook and internet campaign are well underway but voting closes on Thursday 21st March. So now there are just three simple things left to do.

1) Vote for Lily

2) Vote for Lily again

3) Then vote for Lily one more time!

Visit http://www.jackwills.com/en-gb/bestsummerjob, find Lily’s picture and get voting.

Good luck Lily!


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