Help! I’ve Lost My Fresher’s Stamina!

Help! I’ve Lost My Fresher’s Stamina!

Photo courtesy of Christopher Lee

As the days get shorter, and the nights get colder, is it any wonder that more and more of us are finding it hard to drag ourselves out of our warm houses for a night out?

During Fresher’s Week, being able to go out every night is a novelty. Whether you’re away from home for the first time, fresh-faced and eager for university nightlife, or a seasoned student returning to university for the second, third or even fourth time, Fresher’s Week is a prime time to get to know your new environment and meet new people. But what happens once the initial rush is over?

With the combination of upcoming deadlines and horrible weather, the crazy nights of Fresher’s Week are all but a distant memory. And the idea of a cup of tea and a Netflix marathon is becoming far more appealing than leaving a comfy sofa for the cold queues of Venue or Cuban. We’ve well and truly lost the Fresher’s Stamina!

So how do we regain the infamous Fresher’s Stamina? Unfortunately, while it may not be possible to restore it to its former glory, there are ways of rekindling the fun and carefree days of Fresher’s Week.

1. Make the most of reading/writing weeks: These weeks might be put aside for essay writing, but they present a prime time to go out. During reading week, you can recreate the feel of Fresher’s Week, as your number of contact hours will be reduced. This provides an excellent opportunity to go out and not have to worry about getting to uni the next day.

2. Have fun: For those of us who just want to have a dance, or just have fun with friends, going out to the pub or cinema once a week will satisfy those cravings without taking too much time out of your schedule. Once you’re out, you’ll be wondering why you didn’t want to leave the house in the first place!

3. There is no need to drink: For those who don’t want to drink. Do not feel pressured; it is possible to have a good night without drinking. Ultimately, you’ll be the one laughing the morning after (especially during those 9am lectures).

4. Embrace it: Don’t feel pressured to go out. If you’re not feeling it, don’t worry, put on your comfiest PJ’s, grab some chocolate and settle in for the night. Because sometimes a night in is exactly what the soul needs.


One Response to “Help! I’ve Lost My Fresher’s Stamina!”

  1. Sam H-N

    Dec 01. 2014

    Marlon Charles, you are an eye thief.

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