Amber Bytheway



Amber is an eagerly-involved postgraduate student who has been at Kent too long. She gets a kick out of being opinionated especially on Twitter.

A Kent student has complained about the severe deprivation of the popular dish of curly fries, formerly available in the Origins restaurant on Canterbury Campus.

Last year’s Kent Student Award winner, Rowena Bicknell, has created a petition to lobby the food outlets on campus to reconsider their decision on the recent removal of curly fries from menus. Speaking on the matter Rowena said, “The only place on Canterbury Campus that currently sells curly fries is the Pavilion Sports Café located in Parkwood. Kent Union should lobby the University to bring back curly fries to food outlets based on central campus.”

Many students have shared their dismay of the removal of this iconic and affordable dish, with one student quipping “Too long have my fries been straight” and others recognising that “the issue is of paramount importance and should not be taken lightly”. Further comments suggested there was some distress over the growing popularity of sweet potato fries taking the place of the original curly fries. Inclusivity was also on the agenda, with one student affirming that the catering outlets must “be representing fries of all shapes and sizes on our diverse campus”.

Origins, on campus, served the popular dish before their menu changes last year

The uproar has quickly resulted in the Change It petition meeting its requirement of 75 signatures which entitles the topic to be heard at an ‘all student vote’.

If the petition receives a further 150 votes, the project to re-instate curly fries on the menu will be assigned to a Full-Time Officer who will work with students to introduce the change.

To support Rowena’s petition and to vote for this idea to be implemented, please login to Kent Union on the link below and click on ‘Vote on’ to access the petition: