Ghost scare at University of Kent
Several students have requested being escorted around the Kent University campus at Canterbury at night due to fears of encountering a ghost. By Miles Howell.
The ghost is reported as being that of a bride in Victorian dress and has appeared to students and staff along several wooded paths on campus. On student who saw the bride was Emily Montagu, who asked not to be named.
‘’I was walking home alone from Origins at around midnight when I spotted a figure in white moving around in the trees by the path. I saw that it was what appeared to be a woman in some sort of old-fashioned bridal gown that completely covered her body, including her face. I ran as fast as I had ever ran in my life and did not look back’’.
Adam Drake, a lecturer, encountered the ghost at around the same time of night near the library but describes the bride as ‘’…Lifting her veil to show nothing but a skull for a face. Try as I might I cannot remove that image from my mind’’.
Campus Security have confirmed that there has been an increase in students seeking being escorted due to fears of encountering the bride but denied anything supernatural was afoot. A spokesman said: ‘’Obviously someone is playing some sort of malicious hoax and however it is who is frightening people in this manner faces serious consequences’’. While Campus Security believes that the bride is nothing more than a cruel practical joke it should be noted that there is a local legend of the ghost dating back to at least the 1880s. She was said to of been stood up by her sweetheart on their wedding day and now is seen wondering around in search for her lover and terorrising those who are not him.
Photo by University of Kent | Flickr