Megan Warwick

Sports Editor


Meg is a the Sports Website Editor for InQuire, and enjoys writing articles for the Sports, Entertainment and Culture sections. She has been a part of several societies/sport at university and extra curricular activity, including Keynes President and Women’s Lacrosse 2nds Team Captain.

You’ve been accepted into Kent. You’ve read up like crazy on your course, you’ve checked out your halls and you’re eagerly awaiting to meet new people. However, let’s not skip the most important part of your university experience. The part you most likely won’t remember. The nights out. To get you started on planning, Inquire has put together a list of the top places for a night out in Canterbury, situated of course close by to the university and city centre.

WARNING: we may not remember these nights out, but we’re pretty sure they were good.

1. Venue

You’ve probably heard a lot about venue already. It’s the university on campus club, filled with flashing lights, red furniture and a lot of tunes. The Venue is notorious for it’s themed nights, open three/four times a week with their special nights. From grim, hip/hop and RNB Friday event NXT, to cheesy Saturday night Bamboo with free giveaways and, my personal favourite, Venesday, the sports themed Wednesday night (but of course, everyone’s welcome and bolder outfits the better). If there’s any student filled place to be, then it’s this joint.

Entry Fee: £4/5, unless you buy a yearly K-Pass, then it’s free!

2. Club Chemistry

It’s grotty, it’s sticky and it’s got three floors of different music. From cheesy tunes to techno beats, Club Chem is good for those who have different music nights and like to circulate. Also, the drinks are super cheap and perfect to blow that student loan on (we’re joking of course). May be trashy but the photographer photos are great.

Entry Fee: Goes up hourly, but usually around £7/8.

3. Cuban

Having added more club nights, Cuban is taking the streets by a storm. With some of the hottest DJs, Cuban has six clubbing nights a week to choose from. If you fancy BED Mondays (yes there is an actual bed) or DETOX Thursdays, with chart toppers and two floors, you’ll always end up meeting your mates in the smoking area.

Entry Fee: £5

4. The Ballroom

Looking for something slightly more fancy? Want to dress to impress? Then welcome to Ballroom. The drinks are pricey but make a beautiful Instagram and taste just as good. Famous for their Bombo Monday’s, which are on three times a term and worth the wait, the professional photos will brush out any drunken stares or bad angles as you pose in front of the bath (yes there’s a bath). Your night might be messy but the photos won’t be a giveaway.

Entry Fee: Usually ticketed but about £8.

5. Glitterbomb

The best Tuesday night out can be found with Glitterbomb, the home of drag queens and favoured LGBT event. The photos are fabulous, everyone pulling out their best glittery outfits. Plus, the cheesy tunes and musical anthems are a must.

Entry Fee: Depends on the night but Glitterbomb is £4.

6. Alberrys

Something slightly more alternative? Every Friday night, Alberrys is packed out with students jamming to their favourite indie and alternative songs. The decor is also very swanky, with an underground dance floor and top floor bar, serving half priced pitchers before eleven. Let’s just say, you get your moneys worth.

Entry Fee: £5, but if you write on their wall before 10pm you get in discounted!

7. The Loft

Are you a film buff? Do you like something a bit more artsy? Then Loft, with it’s Tarantino decor, will probably be right up your street. Also, getting served quickly is a huge bonus. The Loft are well known for their international nights, which are lively and vibrant! Worth a punt.

Entry Fee: Similar to Alberrys, about £5.

8. Campus Bars

Any of the campus bars make for a great night out! There’s four main ones to tickle your fancy. From K-Bar (known for pool table and wide screen TVs) to Woodys (known for quiz nights and friendly atmosphere) to mad Mungos (known for their Wednesday sport nights) to rock Origins (notoriously known for Ruby Tuesday).

Entry Fee: FREE!!

9. Seven Stars

One of the best places for pre-drinks, reasonably priced and the decor is pretty neat. Light music, so a better place for a chat before heading to a club. Up and coming, one to watch out for.

Entry Fee: FREE!!

10. Spoons

And, if all else fails, make sure you have a good pre-drinks in spoons. Or post drinks because, let’s be honest, the night always ends up in spoons one way or another. Plus, there’s two in Canterbury to choose from so, why not visit both?

Entry Fee: Are you kidding? FREE of course. Ah spoons, never let us down.