Seven Days of KU Elections: Day One

Seven Days of KU Elections: Day One

The Kent Union Elections for the Sabbatical Officers opened on 5 March at 1pm. The annual elections are held to decide who will fill the roles of the five full-time officers for Kent Union, who are in charge of fighting for student rights, and working with the Union and the University to create better opportunities and a better experience for students at the University of Kent.

The five roles up for election are:

Union President

Vice-President (Welfare)

Vice-President (Education)

Vice-President (Activities)

Vice-President (Sport)

Now that voting is open, the candidates will be campaigning for the next week on the plaza outside Essentials and the School of Arts, in order to try to win the votes of their fellow students. The Venue has been transformed into a polling station by day, where students can go to vote, or they can vote via the Kent Union website.

Keep checking InQuireLive for daily updates and photos of the progress of campaign week.


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