By Matthew Seary

In response to the Britain First rally outside the Canterbury Mosque on the 7 February, students from the University of Kent and the wider community have set up a Facebook event to ‘Stand Together with our Muslim Community’, with over 1,000 people interested in the demonstration.

The description reads:

As some of you may be aware, the political group Britain First were recently on campus protesting against Islam. We would like to show people that the University of Kent stands together with our Muslim Community, and will not let racism undermine us.

Make sure you invite all of your Canterbury people on facebook so we can get as many people coming as possible!

Futher infomation to be posted.

UKC: Stand Together with Our Muslim Community

The rally will be held at 2pm on Friday 12 February outside of the Canterbury Mosque, next to campus. As of 12pm Thursday 11, over a thousand people have registered interested whilst just under 700 have confirmed that they will be attending. This significantly pales the protest carried out by Britain First.

University of Kent student Billy Hurricks told InQuire:

I think the rally is a great way to show everyone that Kent Uni and its students are against racism and discrimination. We’re all here to get an education and all are equal. I hope there’s a good turn out tomorrow

UKC: Stand Together with Our Muslim Community

Many of the comments on the are negative towards the actions of Britain First and supportive of the Muslim community. Several comments read that although some interested cannot attend, that they stand with the group and rally in spirit. Others are more thankful of the outpouring of support they are receiving from other students and locals.

UKC: Stand Together with Our Muslim Community

Osama Zubair , receiving over 200 likes:

On behalf of the Islamic society, I would like to pass on our gratitude for your incredible support. Its time everyone realised that whatever differences we have in faith, our relationship with each other will still remain strong.