InQuire Investigation: How affordable is UKC?

InQuire Investigation: How affordable is UKC?

Following a recent petition, (which can be found here:, encouraging Kent Union to pay its 750 staff a living wage of £7.85, InQuire would like to hear from you how much it costs you to survive at University.

A statement from Kent Union (find it in full, here), in response to the petition, suggests that students should be capable of funding their University lifestyle on loans and grants from Student Finance England and working a minimum wage job.

What we are interested in is how many hours you work each week on average, and how much you believe you spend on rent and food every month (excluding expenditure on supplies for your course, nights out, and any miscellaneous costs).

Please take part in our two polls below so that we can gain a strong understanding of how much it really costs to be a Kent student.



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