CSRfm has won three awards at the Student Radio Awards 2017, a national award ceremony hosted on 9 November at the indigO2 for members of the Student Radio Association (SRA).

The station won gold for ‘Best Student Radio Chart Show’, a project that saw the CSR team takeover the Student Radio Chart show, which is broadcast on many student and community stations across the country, as well as silver for ‘Best Specialist Programming’, for their Thursday night rock and metal show, ‘Rock on CSR’. CSRfm was also awarded bronze in the prestigious Best Radio Station category. This award places CSRfm in the top three radio stations of the 65 which belong to the SRA.

Jake Peach, CSR’s current Station Manager, and the presenter of the gold award winning SRA Chart Show, said: “I’m very proud of the station for all of its achievements in the last year; everyone that is part of CSR has worked really hard as a great team to make great radio. For this to be recognised amongst other student stations across the UK is fantastic!”

The news comes as part of a very successful year for CSRfm, who picked up two awards at the I Love Student Radio Awards in April, and a gold award for ‘Specialist Music Show of the Year’ at the Community Radio Awards in September.

CSR have also just had their community licence extended and will continue to broadcast in Canterbury until 2022.