EU Referendum: Big Canterbury Debate cancelled
The University has chosen to cancel its Big Canterbury Debate in light of the attacks on Labour MP Jo Cox earlier today.
Ms Cox was injured in a shooting incident in West Yorkshire earlier this afternoon and subsequently died in hospital from her injuries.
Following the attack, Damian Green MP stepped down from the panel for the debate due to be held tonight at the University.
The MP for Ashford was listed on the panel alongside fellow Conservative MP Julian Brazier, the parliamentary representative for Canterbury and Whitstable, and the Kent Union President (elect), Rory Murray.
Green’s decision is in line with the decision of other Remain campaigners who have called off today’s plans after the attack.
Following the decision of the Leave campaign to also cancel all plans, the debate had to be called off.
A spokesperson for the University said: “This evening’s Big Canterbury Debate on the EU referendum to have been held on the Canterbury campus, has been cancelled.
“Both Leave and Remain have suspended their campaigns as a result of the horrific attack on Jo Cox MP earlier today.”