Last month, Adam Pacitti aged 24, made a ripple across several news outlets and social networking platforms.

The media graduate from the Isle of Wight ,spent his last £500 on a billboard advertising his search for employment in the “cut throat” media industry.

After over 200 rejections for entry level and graduate jobs in this sector, Mr Pacitti came up with the solution of placing a billboard near an estate in Kilburn, North-east London. After putting the billboard up, he had an overwhelming amount of positive feedback. Since then, Mr Pacitti has had several interviews and has subsequently been hired by a media company called KEO as a video producer. With his first pay cheque, Adam has put up another billboard to say thank you to his supporters and has been invited all over the country to give talks about his experience.

However, some critics have argued that Mr Pacitti is an example of what they call a sense of entitlement amongst this generation of young people. In other words, Adam did not try nor put himself out there in his search for employment.

Mr Pacitti is not the first or last to face the daunting situation of numerous rejections . Thousands of graduates every year face a similar predicament, however, Pacitti’s situation has proved that tenacity does pay off.