Rob Linton has left Student Media.

The majority of you are staring blankly at your screen with a bafflement so poignant it is almost audible.


It’s okay. We know the great pyramid of Giza, but not the slaves that built it. We know Rome’s Colosseum, but not those who spent months laying the foundations. We know of InQuire, KTV and CSR – but not of Rob Linton.

If you’ve been an active part of any of the facets of student media mentioned above, it is impossible for you to have not been supported by the man pictured above. The way he stares longingly at that menu speaks volumes; his beautiful eyes examining each item with a consideration reflecting the one given to every single broadcast, show or publication that student media has produced in his numerous years as its captain. Rob Linton was the student media manager by title, but his contribution to student media is one which needs a new title altogether: The Bearded Mogul.

At the start of a laying session before a deadline

Five minutes later

Time for a bit of sincerity. During the 2016/2017 period, partly due to the fact that nobody wanted to follow Nat Tipping, InQuire did not have an Editor-in-chief. On top of all his other responsibilities, Rob stepped up without an ounce of (visible) hesitation knowingly adding upwards of 30 hours a week to his responsibilities, spending hours and hours in the Student Media Centre making sure the publication looked spectacular. This was a voluntary role – not part of his job specification – and way outside of working hours. This was the year I started with InQuire, becoming the Newspaper Opinion Editor (and, later, Website Editor). I would have honestly quit if it wasn’t for Rob. His energy was contagious during those long nights in the SMC, and his creativity never failed to flair. He would not settle for the bare minimum and he made his mark on the design of the paper whenever possible. He taught me to put pictures in triangles. I can never thank you enough.

InQuire’s entire editorial team (bar myself) was new this year, giving Rob the opportunity to make a whole bunch of other people fall in love with him – before leaving and breaking their hearts. It’s a level of raw savagery I wouldn’t expect from anyone else. I think I speak for the entire team when I say thank you for being contactable out of hours, Rob, when you really could’ve ignored us.

If I know Rob, he probably doesn’t even realise how much he meant to InQuire the last couple years. I’ve done my part in (trying) to convince him of his significance. I’m going to let a few ex, and current, editors do the same.







I scarcely show emotion, but Rob Linton’s departure makes me a little sad.

Good luck returning to the north. I hear it’s a frightful place.

Sunny Singh

Website Editor