On Thursday 17 August, Daniella Golden and Saga Rådh, two University of Kent Hub students will be travelling to the United States to compete in the Virginia tech KnowledgeWorks Global Student Entrepreneurship Challenge. The business idea they are competing with is called Todo.

Todo is an online volunteering platform where, instead of donating money, young people can use their skills to fundraise for environmental charities.

About the project Saga told InQuire “With Todo we see a way to tackle environmental issues and unemployment by offering skill based volunteering, which in the eyes of employers would have the same status as an internship”.

The University of Kent has a proven track record of supporting new businesses, with the institution representing the UK at the competition. Daniella and Saga with be up against business ideas from across the globe, with students from 14 other countries set to compete.

Daniella and Saga put forward a business idea for the University of Kent Big Ideas Competition, run as part of the Hub for Innovation and Enterprise. The duo were selected to receive comprehensive mentoring to prepare for the Global Entrepreneurship Champion Competition and free workspace at the University’s business incubation and support unit.

They have spent this week in America, meeting staff at the UK Embassy and working with top American businesses to improve their pitches, Daniella says: “The week in America has been incredible. From meeting ambitious competitors who are now our friends to visiting big monuments in Washington D.C, we have learnt so much and had lots of fun.”

The duo will find out tomorrow (Thursday 24 August 20.35 BST) if they are in with the chance to win the $25,000 prize. You can watch the live stream here.