Due to recent revelations brought to light, InQuire has discovered James Bayliss, Newspaper Sports Editor, is guilty on several accounts of gang activity within Canterbury. Bayliss has hereby been dismissed as the elected Newspaper Sports Editor and banned as a member of InQuire.

Multiple sources have revealed Bayliss to be affiliated with the Kent based ‘payload’ gang. The ‘payload’ gang operates in and around Canterbury, using aggressive gestures and verbal intimidation to commit gang-like crimes. After carefully assessing multiple sources, it is clear that Bayliss has been affiliated with ‘payload’ since September 2016.

A marking by the ‘payload’ gang

When asked about whether or not Bayliss’s gang affiliation was apparent in his day-to-day life, one of our sources replied: ‘…he did use hand gestures quite often, and walk into the room shouting ‘gang gang gang’, but I never would have expected him to be a part of such a horrible group like payload. He seemed like a nice guy.’ Another source commented: ‘I didn’t really think he had it in him.’

‘Young and naive’: an Italian-British boy caught up in the gangster life

InQuire apologises for the stress and anxiety caused to our readers, but particularly our members who have been subjected to the influence and supervision of a convicted gang member. InQuire has since cut ties with Bayliss and is in the process of removing any of his content that has been published online.

Bayliss has refused comment on the issue.