Good Riddance

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By website-editor on 26.1.2024

Good Riddance

British politics is a murky world, if you think we live in a squeaky clean, democratically lead country, think again. Earlier in January it emerged that Peter Hain, a losing candidate for the Labour party’s deputy leadership contest, failed to declare £103,000, in his bid for what could have, theoretically, made him the second most powerful man in Britain.

Peter Hain, who was born in a city which has become the political capital of corruption, Nairobi, resigned from his post as of Thursday night, citing the fact his position had become ‘untenable’.

The source of his deputy leadership funding seems dodgier than David Cameron in a night dress, Peter Hain, former secretary of state for work and pensions, channelled funding from a Progressive Policies Forum which was set up in December 2006, shortly before his election campaign was launched. The PFF has never held a meeting, doesn’t even have a website and has just one director, Gregory McEwen, a solicitor from Hertfordshire.

If our politicians are going to lie and deceive us, they should at least have the decency to think up more elaborate hoaxes than this. I’m completely unimpressed by Peter Hain’s utilization of a fake think tank to channel private sector money into his own greedy little hands. Where’s the imagination? Where’s the cunning design? I want some breaking and entering, I want some theft, I want some James Bond style political espionage, in short, let’s have our own version of the Watergate scandal and then be done with this dreary Gordon Brown era and his cabinet of small time crooks.

Though most of the donors who gave through this hoax think tank have remained secret, details for some of Hain’s war chest have now emerged.

Key donors include Isaac Kaye, a South African pro Apartheid figurehead, who is also embroiled in a police investigation over a £400 million rip off of the NHS. This is a man being investigated for serious fraud, he clearly shouldn’t be allowed to fund political parties, or politician’s campaigns.

Kaye has donated £15,000 to Peter Hain through this scam of a think tank. Another contributor was the international diamond dealer Willie Nagel who gave a £5000 ‘gift’ to Peter Hain’s campaign. I’d like to know what these murky figures are getting in return for their lavish ‘gifts’. It seems though, especially now that Hain has resigned, we may never find out.

Over the past few weeks’ Peter Hain clung on to his political career by his lapels, the pension’s secretary incorrectly labelled the charges put against him as ‘absurd’. David Cameron, opposition leader has said “It’s no good, when all these questions are being asked, just sort of come out and read a statement and scurry back indoors again.” He has also labelled Gordon Brown’s leadership as ‘dithering’.

Gordon Brown may or may not be dithering, however one’s things is clear, Gordon Brown is absolutely rubbish, both as a leader of our country and on the international political scene, why on earth Gordon Brown at first continued to pledge his support for the embattled Peter Hain goes beyond belief, Peter Hain is clearly not a trustworthy man and should never have made it to public office. I am thrilled that he has resigned, good riddance.


  • Peter Slain more like!Proper rungleclotted mash up business

    By Roger the Park Ranger on 30.1.2024

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  • Peter Hain – I loathe the man.

    By Michael de Furneaux on 29.1.2024

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  • “The source of his deputy leadership funding seems dodgier than David Cameron in a night dress”

    Most amusing indeed!

    By Luke Walter on 28.1.2024

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