Christmas delights for the homeless

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By website-news on 29.11.2023

Christmas delights for the homeless

Matthew Meyritz, a chef from Canterbury, will be spreading Christmas cheer to those who are in need of it most; the homeless.

The good-willed chef walked through Canterbury and asked homeless people their plans for Christmas. He was saddened by their answers of “nothing,” and decided he wanted to change this.Therefore, he has organised a Christmas dinner for all homeless people on December the 1st, which will include entertainment and even a gift for each guest.

Mr Meyritz has managed to involve bar staff, caterers, chefs, students and choristers in order to give the homeless a night of enjoyment and fun. His project is in aid of the Scrine foundation, a charity whose aim is to help people who aren’t receiving services they desperately need, due to being homeless. Scrine helps to tackle causes of social exclusion, which includes problems with addiction, mental health issues and discrimination.

10 people are sleeping rough in Canterbury, with evidence that there are also a further 11 without shelter, revealed a recent count.

Mike Barrett, the chief executive of Porchlight, the charity who carried this out tally believes, “the street count is only a snap shot of the people who are sleeping rough.”

This count does not include all that are homeless, as it seems impossible to record every person. Also, it does not include the people who are without shelter but managing to sleep at friends or relatives houses on occasions.

In fact, there are so many people sleeping rough that Mr Meyritz and his team are expecting to cater for around 150 homeless throughout the area.

Mr Meyritz and his brother, Tom, will pay for the food which is being purchased from the suppliers of the pub Mr Meyritz works in, The New Inn on Havelock Street. He will be cooking with two chefs from the Victoria Hotel. Bar staff from Casey’s will be serving soft drinks to all, and various pubs and coffee shops will be helping out on the day. Also, Acme, a catering company, will be providing the crockery and cutlery and Christ Church University will be providing a choir.

Aaron Keily , president of the homelessness society, has also been of great support to Mr Meyritz.

Everybody is welcome to the meal, taking place in St Peter’s Hall in Canterbury, and a suggested donation of £5 will apply to those who are not homeless.

Through the economic struggle that many are facing, it is inspiring to see seasonal goodwill amongst the members of our community.


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