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Superbowl Action – First Half – NYG 3 NEP 7
inQuire Live will be bringing you the very latest sexy Superbowl action.
Coverage begins at 11.00 p.m. Watch this space.
23.10 : The teams are on the pitch!
Right you’re going to have to bear with me, I’ve never seen an American Football game before, one things for sure, I’m very excited, match details to follow…
The game itself, American Football, is a sort of poor man’s rugby. We’re going to be following whats known as a ‘Superbowl’, the two best performing teams of the season, the New England Patriots vs The New York Giants.
23.15 Kick off is in 15 mins,
The Patriots are unbeaten this season, they’ve won a record breaking 19 of their games and are firm favourites with the bookies to win, I however am supporting the underdogs, the New York Giants why? I’ve no idea.
23.18 The national anthem begins. Torture, sheer torure, there are tears in the eyes of the sports men. Is this even the national anthem?, I think it might actually be the disney version..
I just rememberd the NY Giants came onto the pitch to Kanye West’s – Stronger, so at least they’ve got style, that must be why I’m supporting them
23.26: It’s the Toss!, tails it is, Giants win, so it’s a Giant toss, so much comedy potential, so little time….
23.28. Prediction time, personally I’m backing the Patriots for a win, along with pretty much everyone else, but underdogs do tend to fair well in these big events
23.30 Kick off, looks a lot like rugby so far, but with a lot more fighting, if you want a score prediction, I’ll go for 24-10 to the NE Patriots
23.32 Giants have a throw in thing, and have a first down in the 42 yard line, in short, that’s good!
23.34 Giants go short, the tackle comes in, giants keep possesion, it’s the third down, quire repetitive so far
23.36. Steve Smith Catches! For the Giants, wasn’t she a poet?
23.38. Giants get injured, retain possesion, still the third down
23.40 Ninth play, Giants are attacking the wide spots, wearing their fetching red uniforms
23.41. Kevin Boss fumbles for the Giants, eight minutes left of the quarter
23.42 Steve smith makes another great catch for the giants, leaping to the ball, Giants almost get to the end zone, but double coverage by the Patriots defence make sure the danger is dealt with
23.43 New York Giants are going for a field goal, they score – 3-0 GIANTS. WAHEY!. First blood to the underdogs.
Guess the nationality of the first scorer?
23.47 Scottish, can ye belive it, triumph for the scots!, triumph for Macbeth!, what the hell, there’s an advert on the BBC, surely this is a human rights infrigment, hold on, its not really an advert, just a bit of strange improv
23.50 Tyron Gay is injured for the Patriots, I wont be drawn into anything homophobic..
23.51 The Patriots have possesion for the first time in the game, their at the Giants 43
23.53 Brady makes an ambitious but ultimately doomed long throw
23.55 Patriots are making good progress, great catch to pick up the first down
23.57 Pass into the end zone, the Patriots almost go ahead, but theres a foul by the Giants, Patriots will have a great chance to score
23.58 The first quater ends, the Patriots dont score, they should’ve done though, to be fair, the Patriots offence looks a lot stronger, harder, better, faster, stronger, as Kanye might say
00.03 TOUCH DOWN NEW ENGLAND. Maroney converts from half a yard, Patriots go 7-3 up
00.05 The worst kick ever, the Patriots go back to the 40, happless stuff from the favourites
00.08. Giants fumble, great defense from the Patriots
00.10 Giants gain 35 yards! Superb catch, from Eli Manning
00.11 The underdogs are bossing the game, keeping possesion with some safe passing
00.12 Patriots’ Hobbs with a huge turn over, infact it’s the first turn over of the Superbowl.
00.15 More illegal advertizing from the beeb!
00.17 Second down in two, Patriots with possesion, solid defence from the Gianta, the football goes out
00.19 Less than ten mnutes left of the quarter, I’m really looking foward to the half time show, until I hear that ageing rocker Tom Pettey is playing
00.21 A fumble from the Giants, embarressing stuff, the Giants get it back though, incredible close up from the beeb,
00.25 Third down in the red zone, Giants will have the play, perhaps their man of the match, Manning, will do something, someone will have to do someting soon, I’m getting bored!
00.26 The Giants defence are really getting into quaterback Brady, sacking him for the second time, Brady is a very articulate fellow, but it’s not helping him now
00.30 Why are there so many breaks in this game? Why is no one scoring? why is everyone loving Brady? he’s been nothing but dissapointing.
00.34 Giants have possesion, its a bit of a deadlock at the moment, scrappy play.
00.35 Steve Smith, the UCLA rookie makes a great save for the Giants, after some more school boy fumbeling, Manning is starting to become a burden for the Giants
00.38 Two minute warning, apparently Manning’s internal clock isn’t ticking, I have no idea what that means, other than the Giants’ quaterback is a bit rubbish
00.40 Pamela Anderson is spotted in the crowd, she looks very bored, I can sympathize, the plays been dull as ditchwater of late
00.42 Is Brady part of the Brady Bunch?, Luke Walter answers: ‘I wish he was – it would have been great!’
00.44 The ball is down at the severn yard line, Giants call a time out, I think Patriots have possesion,
00.45 Patriots are on the offensive, their attack looks dynamic and exciting, they pick up 18 yards
00.47 Patriots get another nine yards, they then call a time out
00.50 Brady to Moss, his first catch, Brady’s first decent throw, its all Patriots!
00.51 Brady Bunched! the Giants defence take the ball right out of his hands
00.53 Candy from a baby, Brady must be the slowest quaterback in history, why doesn’t he release the ball, The Kaiser Chiefs are playing in Arizona, can there be no escape?!
00.54 The whistle goes, it’s 3 to david and 7 to goliath
00.55 It’s halftime, back soon folks, hope to read a few comments from you lot…
1.03 Tom Petty is playing, at the half time show, if only it was this time last year, we’d be watching sex icon Prince, instead we get an ageing rocker with only one good song to his name…
1.05 That one good song isn’t this one, I’m waiting impatiently for Freefalling….come on Tom, play the one that isn’t shit..ok don’t and my advice to the guitarist with the long hair, get over it, you’re not Slash and you never will be
1.08 Tom Petty ‘wont back down’, this song sounds like Jackson Brown, apart from the cheesy chrous, I’d just like to big up Jackson Brown, who is one of my Dad’s favourite artisits, so, he must be good!
1.10 and I’m FREE, FREE FALLING!!! Best moment of the Superbowl so far…or is it?
1.12 Bring back the wardrobe malfunctions and put a sock in this middle of the road drivel, I’m having a break, I’ll let Luke take over…no, he shakes his head, he wont stoop that low, he’s playing computer games, I’m off for some much needed food, see you lot in half an hour!
1.24 The main half times news I have for you is that tickets for the Kent Uni masqerade ball are on sale now, my facebook messages says: J
“a quick message to let you all know tickets are on sale now available from Origins, VW and Mandela Reception (Apologies to anyone who tried to purchase tickets from VW or Mandela on saturday tickets are now available from these places). See you all at the Ball soon”
1.25 Shit! Kick off! I almost forgot, first down at the 21, patriots have the ball and make exciting play right from the off, they gain 15 yards
1.27 Giants knock it down, Patriots reset and charge, I’m taking y’all to a fresh page!….bear with
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InQuire’s more up to date than the BBC on this.
By Luke on 4.2.2024
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Go Patriots!
By Anonymous on 4.2.2024
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