Society Spotlight: Pole Fitness

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By Miranda Athanasiou on 24.1.2024

Society Spotlight: Pole Fitness

The word ‘sport’ tends to instill images of hockey socks and balls flying towards one’s face; a consequence, I’m sure, of enforced physical education. Whilst the compulsory twice-a-week hockey classes have been lifted since our emancipation from secondary school, it has come to my attention that exercise may in fact be an advisable idea. In my hunt to find a sport, which was enjoyable enough to make up for the usual next-day cramps, my world came into collision with a pole.

Pole fitness is a relatively new sport, which has managed to combine fitness and fun, and after mere moments of having observed the more experienced members climbing the poles and moving like vertical gymnasts, I was hooked. The beginner’s classes are friendly, energetic and always eager for the arrival of new members; and let me assure you, this is not one just for the ladies. Gentlemen, sure you can kick a ball and catch a Frisbee (so can my Springer spaniel); I suggest you come along and try your hand at something a little more challenging.

Classes are divided into small groups making it easy to follow and offering a choice of levels, meaning you can work at whatever pace feels comfortable. But by no means be fooled into believing this is simply for the faint hearted, you can burn just as many calories as a session in the gym, improve your strength, fitness and agility just without the monotony which comes hand-in-hand with the dreaded treadmill.

Leanne Prince, president and instructor of the pole fitness society is eager to prove exactly what it is our talented members do, “we are currently getting ready for our annual showcase that will be held on the 7th April in the Gulbenkian Theatre”. This show with a difference will be the perfect preview of what I can only describe as the most interesting sport since Zorbing. And if you like what you see, leave your hesitations at home and come have a go; in no time you’ll be going from your very first spin to inverting like a pro!


  • brilliant article hon!! Liking the spaniel comment! Shall have to get a little spaniel teddy for you with a pole jumper on!

    By Pixie on 29.1.2024

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