Carling Cup Final – Live Coverage – Second Half – Chelsea 1 – Spurs 2

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By Charlie Baylis on 24.2.2024

Carling Cup Final – Live Coverage – Second Half – Chelsea 1 – Spurs 2

The second half is off, all the action from the first half, minus the first fifteen minutes, can be found here:

50. Chelski have started the second half with vigour,if Spurs can’t pull this back, I’m £5 down.

52. Shaun Wright Phillips messes up a first touch on the edge of the Spurs box, daddy Ian wiil be embarrassed

53. Zakora blasts a shot into orbit, apparently that satellite the US are attack has taken another hit, US Gov 1 Zakora 1.

56. Chelsea are soaking up the Spurs attack, a series of throw ins for Spurs end up with nothing

57. Anelka sends a tame header into Robinson’s for once, safe, hands.

59. Lennon wins mighty spurs a corner, I’m ready to drop my impartiality.

61. Pascal, one of my favourite philosophers, Chimbonda is taken off, he shakes his head in disgust, little tom huddlestone comes on in his place

62. Jenas, once the worlds most expensive teenager, sold by the mighty Nottingham Forest at the tender age of 16 for £5 mill, to those idiots at Newcastle, jinks and jives his way to the Chelsea box, where he falls over, the surface is, apparently rather slippery

64. Huddlestone stupidly kicks the ball out of play it’s not rugby tom

66. Chelsea have a free kick on the edge of the box, it dosent beat the one man wall, Spurs counter like hell bound colts.

67. HANDBALL IN THE BOX! The Spurs penalty comes from a Wayne Bridge hand ball, it was debatable, the assitant gave it, personally I thought it was fair, but then I’m a Spurs fan,

68. Berbatov side foots it in, cooler than an arctic monkey, game on!

73. Anelka misses the ball, what an idiot, Chelsea substitution: Shaun Wright-Phillips off, Saloman Kalou on.

74. Tottenham substitution: Steed Malbranque off, Teemu Tainio on.

75. This game could go either way, Spurs are on the attack, 1-1 is fair, Spurs have had a lot more of the possession.

77. John (Arron) Lennon wastes another Spurs corner.

80. Zakora has a glorious opportunity to win it for Tottenham, he went one on one against Cech, Cech, who’s Czech, won, Check mate!

82. Spurs are looking dangerous, another great chance, this one for tanio, goes begging.

85. Chelsea attack, Didier cant quite get on the end of a lofty through ball

88. Chelsea substitution: Michael Essien off, Michael Ballack on.

90. Jermaine Genius lofts a free kick into the Chelsea block, the Blues clear easily…

91. A Robbie Keane bicycle kick hits Pluto.

93. The whistle blows, the Carling cup goes to extra time, it’s an exciting game, going on who’s playing better Spurs should win, but Chelsea have an awe inspiring wining mentality, and I think they;ll get it, either way, I’ve lost £5.


ET 06 Guardian Unlimited haven’t reported the goal yet, maybe they got locked out of the GU towers, I apologize about the last comment, I didn’t really go far enough, mighty spurs for the cup win, Ramos for King of Spain.

ET 10 Spurs survive a savage corner, Chelsea don’t deserve to equalize.

ET 11. JJ wastes some time by running 30 yards and kicking the ball out, beautiful!

ET 12. Spurs substitution: Younis Kaboul on, Robbie Keane off.

It’s half time in extra time, I can only see the trophy going back to one part of London. That would be North London. White Hart Lane, to be precise.

ET 20 This half has been all Chelsea, they’ve only got ten minutes left to equalize though.

ET 22 Drogba has a half chance, blocked by Spurs, 8 mins to save the Cup.

ET 25 Great save Robinson, the england keeper gets down low to Kaluo’s shot

ET 26 Tanio amusingly gets booked for time wasting.

ET 29 Pressure, pushing down on you, pushing down on Spurs, no matter what they do.




  • This video tells you everything you need to know about football

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