Kent Summer Ball 2008: Who’s playing?

Latest Features


By website-editor on 11.5.2023

Kent Summer Ball 2008: Who’s playing?

£45 is a lot of money for me, which is why I was perhaps a little sceptical about the apparently extortionate price of the Summer Ball 2008 tickets. I was contemplating not going, or pushing for press tickets, but I went and bought myself a ticket like the good little consumer whore I am, and you should too, because the line-up is sweet, much better than I have seen before here at UoK.

Well firstly, ‘The Wombats’ are headlining. Personally, I love them a big huggy bunch, and so should you, but if you don’t, that is fair play because while they are the headlining act and are more popular than God, the other acts should be more than enough to drag you kicking and screaming to Extras to force £45 out of your tight fisted pockets.

Fearne Cotton will be doing something, not sure what exactly. I will be fairly impressed if she is there to present the whole thing, but I imagine she will simply smile and wave, ask if we are having a good time and wonder off a bit richer.

Reggie Yates has been cancelled, which is a shame because I loved his cheeky grin on Saturday mornings on BBC, but life moves on. The new act is yet to be confirmed. Tame.

Back to the point, the last act on the list is ‘Maybe Winehouse’. This confuses me greatly, is it an act actually titled ‘Maybe Winehouse’ or is it a suggestion that Amy Winehouse is appearing? God knows really, maybe the cheaper alcohol prices on campus is enough to lure her here. Yeah, I went there.

‘Vengaboys’ will also make an appearance for a touch of 90’s nostalgia, which could be a laugh, I remember gallantly bopping along to their tunes, completely unaware of their extreme sexual overtones. My how times have changed.

Tickets are on sale at Essentials for £45. Kent Union staff get a 20% discount. more information about the ball, rules and full line up can be found at their website

And just to show you what things were like last year (this video is not released by Kent Union):


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