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Out with the old in with the new
Ahead of the upcoming Sabbatical/Vice-President handover inQuireLive took the chance to interview departing Sports Sabbatical Tom Marsh and Sports Vice-President to be Cai Robbins.
Tom Marsh
Sports Sabbatical 07-08
What do you feel has been your biggest success this year as Sports Sabbatical?
“I’d like to think that I have helped aid sport at Kent by generating a greater unity with all sports clubs.
There has been a much better Kent sport feel around campus these past three terms, something that has come as a result of unity.
How have you achieved this particular success?
“Well the introduction of Presidents Day, something that was scheduled annually, enabled Presidents from each Sports Club to build a rapport with one another adding further to this Kent sport feel.
Also I focused heavily on Varsity, something that was very much the pinnacle for my aspirations. The introduction of Varsity t-shirts further endorsed the sporting unity as it promoted the competing clubs to good effect with large turnouts flocking to watch the matches.
Even the successes from Presidents Day were shown at Varsity as I seem to recall many clubs showing their support towards other Kent sports teams.
What sporting ideas did you put in place for the new students during Freshers Week?
“Well I kept to the same style as previous years by continuing with Sports Day.
I chose five main sports in which to include; a five aside football competition on the 3G pitch, a Netball and Beach Volleyball tournament at the Parkwood pitches, Rugby on the Astro pitch and a Basketball competition in the main sports hall.
Was it a success?
“I’d like to think so. The thing that really made the day was the close proximity of events. With everything situated in and around the Parkwood pitches, people could easily flutter between sports and show their support.
Competing Freshers were almost forced to socialise with other students participating which was a good thing, plus the weather was good so all in all I think it went well – I enjoyed it anyhow!”
What one tip would you pass on to Cai?
Now that’s a tough one, there are quite a few but I’d have to say that at the Sports and Recreation department it’s a good idea to use their expertise whenever possible.
Cai Robbins
Sports Vice-President 08-09
What will you continue to develop from Tom once you have full control as Sports Vice-President?
“I want to continue the scheme he proposed in January called ‘Fresh Start – an idea that helped students maintain a health-life style.
I also want to continue to develop and improve the links between clubs by organising more Presidential Days, perhaps one a term with Sports Executives there to help with training.”
Do you have anything new you are thinking of proposing for sport at Kent?
“I have two main ideas that I really would like to develop.
The first is to introduce a coaching strategy, whereby students would attend sports coaching courses and in return would help subsidise the local community through voluntary work; for example using their cultural knowledge through sport to help aid those people within the community.
The other main idea is to improve the health and safety through the help of the Sports and Recreation Department.
I want to introduce first aid training to all captains of teams who compete on Wednesday afternoons up at the Parkwood pitches; perhaps this can be achieved through working closely with the First-aid society.”
How are you going to get more people involved in Sport at Kent regarding Freshers in particular?
“Well I feel Freshers Week will be crucial in getting Freshers interested especially with the Freshers Sports Fair attracting sign ups.
But also I want to get try and get people to the pitches on Wednesday afternoons by publishing fixture lists through student media.”
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