In a move that has angered many students and initiated an immediate response from the Student Union, the University, on March 3rd, released information that it intended to ban student parking on campus. The information on car parking policy was first seen by some students on the Kent social networking website, The Student Portal.
Students later informed the Union president, Achike Ofodile that the university was to ban students parking on campus as part of its ‘ongoing green travel initiative.’ Additionally, this will ensure that more staff parking will be available, especially in the vast parking spaces in Parkwood.
The union was never told about the policy adopted by the University at any stage and was bypassed in the formulation of it. The University is said to have discussed the issue with other universities which have instituted similar policies.
The University itself has said it is not willing to compromise and will ‘bite the bullet’ over the issue. In response Archike Ofodile has slammed the university for ‘not regarding the needs and wants of students’, the policy being a ‘slap in the face of students as it will have a huge detrimental effect on students welfare.’ especially since the university doesn’t plan to implement more efficient public transport services in wake of the ban, which has been seen as hypocritical if the university wants to encourages green causes.
The ban on student parking on campus and the extension of the exclusion zone into the areas surrounding it, in which students cannot park, has been met with shock with students as their views and opinions have been ignored and ‘neglected’. In a year where there have been a few security issues, some students are still wary of walking home from campus. Perspective students applying for accommodation in Parkwood because of its car parking spaces are also set to lose out. However, disabled and ‘special case’ students will be considered for a parking space on an individual basis.
The Facebook group, ‘protest against the student car ban on campus’ has now attracted a staggering 1263 members and has coincided with the introduction of the union’s campaign ‘Taking the Park out of Parkwood’ which aims to thwart the university’s position at this time. The Petition has now received over 600 signatures, Kent Union will continue to collect signatures for the next week before presenting it to the University.
We will continue to update this post as events develop.
UPDATE: 20/05/08:
This morning Achike Ofodile, Union president gave an interview to Invicta FM on the parking issue as local press interest in the matter has grown. A photoshoot of students against the ban will take place at 6pm at Woodies this evening and all students who feel strongly on the issue are encouraged to attend.
Following on from this move the Union sent and open letter to local councillors asking for their support in lobbying the University against the action. The letter can be read in full at:
Please also share your opinion on the poll found at: