UKC Club Focus: Lacrosse

UKC Club Focus: Lacrosse


For many of us, ‘British Sport’ means Rugby, Football, Cricket and Wimbledon. But there are hundreds of “minor” sports that British people play regularly. Lacrosse, a national sport of Canada and a popular College sport in the USA derives from a Native Indian game, though it did not become a modern-day sport until the end of the twentieth century.

Often described as both “the fastest sport on two feet” and one of the fastest growing sports in the world, Lacrosse can be hard to watch without knowing a few basics. Any spectator could tell you that Men and Women’s Lacrosse are very different, the main difference being the level of contact and, in turn, the degree of equipment required. The obvious similarity is that both sports are played with sticks, though even these differ so as to suit their respective sports.

In both variations, a small, heavy rubber ball is used; the goals are small, (approximately 6 x 6 foot) and surrounded by a nine foot “crease” which can only be entered by the defending team. Women’s Lacrosse takes a 12-a-side format with a low degree of contact. They require little protective equipment besides a mouth guard and the option of goggles. The Men’s variation of the Sport is 10-a-side and definitely a contact sport, with strict rules that allow the players to use both their sticks and their bodies to gain possession of the ball for their own safety, the players are required to wear helmets and gloves. Lacrosse is better seen than explained, so go and watch a game!

At the University of Kent, there are two women’s teams and two men’s teams, all four of which do the University proud. Both of the Women’s teams are in respectable leagues where they have each had fantastic seasons. The Men’s first team has been at the top of their league throughout the season falling victim only to UCL.

The Men’s second team, which was founded at the start of this year, has had a great first season, avoiding the bottom of the table and pushing some well-experienced teams to the limit. Most importantly, both men and women won their Varsities with gusto this year. The season has just three games left across the board for UKC Lacrosse. Wednesday the 12th will see the Men’s Firsts away at Royal Holloway whilst the Women’s Second team will be away at Essex. On the 28th, the season will come to an end with the Men’s 2s against Portsmouth 2s at home; all are welcome to watch what should be a great game to end the season with.


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