BUCS Week 8 – Team Kent Results

BUCS Week 8 – Team Kent Results

Wednesday 3 December was a mixed day for Team Kent with nine wins, eleven losses and two draws.

However, there were big wins for the women’s football side and the men’s first lacrosse team.

Christmas certainly came early for UKC’s female footballers as they emphatically thumped Kings College, putting eight past them whilst maintaining an impressive clean sheet.

The men’s first lacrosse team will also be heading into the winter break in good spirits as they maintained their 100 percent record for this season with a 12-3 defeat of Christchurch.


The men’s first lacrosse team head into 2015 unbeaten (Photograph: Dave Cocozza)

Below are the results in full:

Men’s 2nd vs UCL 2nd (L) 2 – 6
Women’s 1st vs City 1st (D) 4 – 4
Men’s 1st vs Imperial 1st (L) 59 – 68
Women’s 1st vs Hertfordshire 1st (W) 12 – 3


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The men’s second badminton team endured a frustrating defeat on Wednesday (Photograph: Daniel John)


Men’s 2nd vs UCL 3rd (L) 0 – 4
Men’s 3rd vs Greenwich 2nd (L) 3 – 4
Women’s 1st vs Kings 1st (W) 8 – 0
Men’s vs Surrey 1st (L) 2 – 4
Men’s 1st vs Kings 2nd (W) 3 – 1
Men’s 2nd vs Queen Mary 1st (Barts & the London SMD) (D) 1 – 1
Men’s 3rd vs UCL 5th (W) 4 – 1
Women’s 1st vs Kings 1st (L) 1 – 3
Women’s 2nd vs UCL 3rd (W) 3 – 0
Men’s 1st vs CCCU 1st (W) 12 – 3
Men’s 2nd vs Kings (L) 3 – 11
Men’s 4th vs City 1st (L) 7 – 31
Men’s 1st vs UCL 2nd (L) 2 – 3
Men’s 2nd vs City 1st (L) 0 – 3
Women’s 1st vs City 1st (W) 4 – 0
Table Tennis
Men’s 1st vs Essex 2nd (W) 9 – 8


UKC's women's football team thrashed Kings College 8-0 (Photograph: Daniel John)

UKC’s women’s football team thrashed Kings College 8-0 (Photograph: Daniel John)

Men’s 2nd vs UCL 3rd (L) 4 – 8
Men’s 1st vs Essex 2nd (W) 3 – 2


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