Caitlin Casey



Caitlin Casey is the Sports Website Editor and has been a part of the Women’s Lacrosse team since her first year. Caitlin enjoys writing about Team Kent as well as entertainment and investigative articles.

Nineteen-year-old Millie Knight won her second silver for Team GB at the Winter Paralympics this year at Pyeongchang last Sunday.

The Canterbury-based athlete who once attended The Kings School locally, competed in both the Women’s Downhill and Women’s Super-G in the Visually Impared category over the weekend, and won both silver medals alongside her guide Bret Wild.



Winning the first medal for Team GB this year at the winter Paralympics, Knight and Wild finished 0.86 seconds behind the Slovakia pair who won the Women’s Downhill. They then went on to win their second silver just two days later in the Super-G.

Attending the Sochi Paralympics back in 2014, Knight came fifth in both the Slalom and Giant Slalom at only fifteen-years-old. She moved up to train for the Pyeongchang this winter. Unlike Knight, this is Wild’s first Paralympics as a guide.



Registered blind, Knight has only 5% vision and is competing in over double the amount of events than in Sochi 2014, where she competed in only two events. This year Knight competes in eight Paralympic sports.

The pair communicate through a technological headset as well as Wild wearing a high-vis orange jacket for Millie to be able to see him throughout the races.



Millie Knight will be competing in the Super Combined Super G and Slalom this Tuesday (13th), the Giant Slaloms on Wednesday (14th), also finalising her performance on the Thursday Slaloms (15th).

Catch Millie in her three chances of finishing with gold over the week via the BBC Sport website, on Channel 4 TV or on Radio 5 live.