Megan Warwick



Meg is a writer for InQuire and enjoys writing for the Entertainment, Culture and Sports sections. She has been a part of several societies at university including a team member of Women’s Lacrosse and co-creator of the 20-minute society.

UKC travelled down to the vibrant land of Fazana in Croatia for Sports Tour 2018. A week of madness and a 28-hour coach; it was certainly a memorable trip with sports teams coming together and bonding.

If you’re too scared to go on Tour or you didn’t even consider it, here are my points of persuasion and survival guide – you’ve got this tour freshers!


The Mates

You truly bond with those you are with. Playing a sport is one thing, going on a group holiday is a whole new level of bonding. You eat together, sleep together, drink together, it couldn’t be better. A highlight of mind was getting cheese superglued to my face, thus pulling my whole eyebrow off in the process. But, I couldn’t have got through without my friend picking (and even eating) the cheese of my face in an attempt to help. A truly beautiful moment.



The Pics

You take a lot of pictures. Some blurry, some fuzzy, most unmemorable, but they each of them tell a story about the night before. And make some super adorable Instagram’s.



The Clubs

Dancing until 6am? Yes please. The Arena was tours best club, playing the hottest hits and jams known to man. Okay a bit extreme, but it was a fun night for all. And due to the size, you could easily find your friend amongst the crowd (and all come home to have a Nutella sandwich together).



The Setting

Croatia was beautiful. The sea was ice cold but lovely to look at. The weather was pretty cold too, but we couldn’t feel it most of the time. Too busy having fun. Get some good snaps and it’s worth it.



The Dares

Tour is none for being outrageous, but do not fear, you never have to do anything you don’t want to do. Beans sellotaped to your waist? Yup, happened. Absolutely covered head to top in solid sun cream? That too. Eyebrow slits? Sometimes (you can opt out). But crazy things you see on the TV or read about in magazines did not happen. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. It doesn’t make it any less fun, or you any less fun.



The Memories

Last but certainly not least, tour gives you a new trove of memories to stash away in your heart. Whether it’s laughing about the state of your eyebrows with your mates, or getting pushed in the pool for challenge, you will not forget those memories. And you will absolutely love every second (apart from mystery meat for dinner, because no one finds that funny).



Tour Survival Guide:

  1. Wear sun cream even if it’s cold (there will always be one pasty one who gets burnt)
  2. Carry water everywhere; tour is dehydration at its finest
  3. Say YES to as much as you can, you will enjoy it more if you’re positive
  4. Take pics!
  5. Bring a portable charger
  6. Don’t lose your room key
  7. Go OTT on the costumes for each theme
  8. Smile and laugh – you’re there to have fun!