Megan Warwick

Sports Editor


Meg is a the Sports Website Editor for InQuire, and enjoys writing articles for the Sports, Entertainment and Culture sections. She has been a part of several societies/sport at university and extra curricular activity, including Keynes President and Women’s Lacrosse 2nds Team Captain.

Welcome back to Sports Spotlight. From this week onwards, we’re changing up how we do Sports Spotlight. Instead of your Sports Editor (myself and Kiro) trying out a new sport and most likely failing miserably, we’re interviewing different Sports and getting them to tell us how to master their sport. Now that the professionals are in, read away and actually learn the proper technique of the Sport.

First up for our new Sports Spotlight is… Scuba Diving!

Inquire spoke with Adam Youseman, Rowena Bicknell and Leon Singleton to get the low down on how to dive into the water. Read more to find out about this unique sport.



“Leave your driving gloves at home, it’s time to grab your swimmers”

‘An mix of social bonding, self development and adventure. Diving with UKC Scuba is one of the greatest experiences I’ve had with any society at university. It’s super fun, y’all should join’

  • Rowena Bicknell (ex UKC Scuba President, Committee Member for 6 years)


Here at UKC Scuba, we pride ourselves on being an inclusive society that gives students an amazing opportunity to try something incredible. Scuba diving is a sport that brings people together, be it from our term time socials, bonding with your dive buddy as you both test the waters for the first time, or from joining us on one of our fantastic diving trips (let’s call them holidays) we organise throughout the year.

Scuba diving is also a great opportunity to push yourself and develop as a person:

‘I had a massive fear of open water, as well as submechanophobia (the fear of man-made objects underwater). Part of the reason I join UKC Scuba is to try and face these challenges in a more comfortable environment. It may not have happen overnight, but thanks to the support of the society, I have made huge improvements in coping with these fears, and had a bucket load of fun on the way’

  • Leon Singleton (UKC Scuba member)


And how could I not talk about the dives themselves. Swimming around in this new world of unique and stunning plants and animals is an experience that everyone deserves to try. There is very little that compares to the ethereal feeling of floating around among schools of beautiful and vibrant fish, or gliding over the sprawling mass of exotic reef life as it ripples with the scurrying of small crustaceans and writhing of eels and octopi. The feeling of discovery as you explore the unfamiliar expanse of the ocean is uniquely blissful.

‘Scuba is the best thing I decided to do at uni, great bunch of people with a unique skill which opens up a world u didn’t know existed, I’m proud to be the current president’

  • Adam Youseman (current UKC Scuba President)


Over all rating of the Sport


Intensity: 7/10

Comment: A dive can be a tranquil drift through calm lake waters or a hardy workout through ocean currents. Up to you! ?


Practicality: 5/10

Comment: It’s not the kind of thing you can just do in an afternoon, but once you’ve got it, you’ve got it for life


Time: 5/10

Comment: A dive is usually not a short commitment. The plus side? Once your in, you won’t want it to end


Fun: 10/10

Comment: One of the best experiences around. You’ll be looking back at these memories with a smile for the rest of your life!