Caitlin Casey



Caitlin Casey is the Sports Website Editor and has been a part of the Women’s Lacrosse team since her first year. Caitlin enjoys writing about Team Kent as well as entertainment and investigative articles.

In a very busy day at the Pavilion, InQuire watched 10 matches and Kent kept up their battle well, fighting back against CCCU with a strong lead. Even with the weather freezing over the pitches, enough to delay the Hockey games by two hours, Varsity carried on, and Team Kent kept up their spirit.





Women’s 2s: KENT WIN!


Women’s 2s: KENT WIN!


Men’s 1s: KENT WIN!


Time: 10am-10pm

Place: UKC Tennis Centre




Women’s 2s: CCCU

2-1 (Non-points scoring)

Men’s 4s: KENT WIN!


Men’s 3s: CCCU


Men’s 2s: KENT WIN!

Win on penalties (5-4)

Time: 12-9pm

Place: UKC 3GX




Men’s 2s: KENT WIN!


Men’s 1s: KENT WIN!


Women’s 1s: CCCU


Women’s 2s: KENT WIN!


Time: 12-8

Place: Pavilion


Kent – 20 , CCCU – 7



In 10 games, Kent only lost 2 and gained another 8 points to put us forward in a heavy lead against Christ Church! The Canterbury Varsity battle is looking up for Kent, but we still have many teams to go! Tomorrow, in the penultimate fixtures for Varsity, we have Equestrian, the first batch of Rugby teams, Kent Snow take us to Essex and we’ll finish up the day with Trampolining. We’re in a great lead but can we keep the energy going against CCCU? Lets see tomorrow in Day 6 of Varsity!


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Come back tomorrow for some more great Varsity coverage!