Caitlin Casey



Caitlin Casey is the Sports Website Editor and has been a part of the Women’s Lacrosse team since her first year. Caitlin enjoys writing about Team Kent as well as entertainment and investigative articles.

In a dreary day coated with clouds and rain to freeze over the pitches, the weather couldn’t stop Canterbury Varsity in another day of close sports games! CCCU took back some of the titles, powering through the day in Equestrian and Trampolining, but couldn’t keep up with Kent’s skills in Rugby and Snow Sports. From Essex, to Trenley, to right back here at UKC at the Pavilion Pitches, InQuire saw a massive day of Varsity putting Kent straight to the lead for the Varsity title!


Equestrian – CCCU

Time: 11:30

Place: Trenley

Final Score: Dressage – CCCU, Jumping – KENT

With a wet and slippery start to the day, the equestrian team set off onto a sticky ride, trying their hardest to beat CCCU in a competition based on two elements: Dressage and Jumping. Kent couldn’t hold up the lead with Dressage, CCCU taking the win, but kept the hopes up by winning in Jumping. Unfortunately, Kent couldn’t beat CCCU overall, but in hard weather conditions never let their guard down!


Snow Sports – KENT WIN!


Time: 2pm

Place: Brentwood (Essex)

Final Score: 3-0

In difficult races, on the dry slopes in Essex, Kent Snow stole the lead from CCCU by a white wash in slalom races. With a competition up to 5 races, Kent took the prize by being undefeated in the first three races, and leaving CCCU behind! High spirits and adrenaline raced through the team to victory, and they always kept their mood up. Great work from Kent Snow!

Men’s Rugby – KENT WIN!

3s – KENT WIN!


2s – KENT WIN!


Time: 1pm-5pm

Place: Pavilion Pitches

UKC Rugby were soaked in today’s matches, the rain starting mid-day and not giving up throughout the games, much like our players! The crowds were wrapped up in layers cheering on UKC as they battered CCCU, not giving them a chance to win. The 3s put the Rugby teams off to a good start, with great vibes and constant tries. Being 4 tries up, the 3s only let CCCU have one try, and then brought the lead even further up in the second half. A great win from the 3s! In a tougher battle, the 2s struggled to make any shift in the scores in the first half, but still didn’t let CCCU have a chance. With our boys sliding around in the mud and rain, the pitches were not easy to move around on, but the 2s took over and didn’t let Christ Church have any points at all, leaving them 20 points up and CCCU with nothing.

Make sure to catch the Rugby Men’s and Women’s 1s tomorrow, 5pm at the Canterbury Rugby Club. Will they be able to keep up the complete wins like today’s performances? Or will the 1s be defeated like last year? Make sure you’re there to cheer them on in a heated battle to take back the Rugby title!

Trampolining – CCCU



Time: 7pm

Place: UKC Sports Centre

Final Score: Kent: 40.39, CCCU: 43.09

In a more reserved sport to end the day, Trampolining showed off their skills against Christ Church in a number of rounds of Trampolining skills. From working down from low SUTL 6 (South Universities Trampoline League 6) to the most skilled, highest jumpers of SUTL 2 and SUTL 1, Kent worked their way, following just behind CCCU in every round. Unfortunately, Kent couldn’t match up to the skills of CCCU, but were proud of their achievements and opportunity to showcase their skills. A humble loss for Kent and thankful win for Christ Church.

Kent – 22, CCCU – 9


The past week has been filled with celebrations and points building up for Kent, taking us to the last day of Sports tomorrow. Kent has lead the way, taking the titles from Lacrosse to Netball and we’re not going to stop now! Tomorrow takes us to Canterbury town for the final fixtures of Indoor Cricket at St Lawrence and the Rugby 1s at Canterbury Rugby Club. CCCU won’t be able to catch up to us now, but make sure you come back to see the final points score of 2018 Canterbury Varsity and make sure to be cheering on Team Kent tomorrow at St Lawrence and Canterbury Rugby Club.

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Come back tomorrow for some more great Varsity coverage!