On the 18th May, InQuire headed down to St Lawrence Cricket Ground for a day spent in the sunshine, soaking up the heat and learning a lot of rules. Kent were branded in a yellow and blue to support their charity, Porchlight, which they collected funds for on the day of the Varsity. Despite exams, many UKC and CCCU students walked down to the Spitfire ground to get bevved and show their support of the summer series of Cricket Varsity. Moving from a 3-0 win for Kent in February Indoor Cricket, it was certainly going to be three heated matches between the Women’s 1s and Men’s 2s and 1s.


Men’s 2s: KENT!

Time: 11am

Place: Polo Farm Sports Club

The Men’s Cricket 2nd team did UKC proud by taking winning their Varsity match. UKC batted first on this occasion, as it’s what they are arguably strongest at. With 147 to UKC (won by 31 runs as CCCU achieved 116 in response), the boys certainly proved themselves as winners. Here are some comments from the 2s Captain Sam Street and 2s Coach Max Campbell.

Max, tell us about your experience of Cricket Varsity 2018.

I’m the 2nds team coach, so I was focused mostly on their game and they did really well, brought the win home. If they keep working at it and building, then go out and enjoy themselves tonight, hopefully they’ll bring home so more victories. The women’s team have also played great, a positive advert for women’s sport in general as they’ve improved brilliantly so credit to both sides. I think the exposure between the men and women is the main difference, men have had more opportunities then the girls, but they girls are catching up. Well done to all.

Sam, how are you feeling about winning?

Over the moon, we have such a brilliant team! There were contributions from all, and the weeks of training paid off. We haven’t won Varsity in the last two years and took a heavy defeat last year. However, the training for the 2nds is much better this year, and there was an array of good performances from all. The preparation was good.

What are your teams best attributes?

Can I name drop? Okay so, today our opening partnership between Michael Tyrer and Cam Emmanuel-Burns was outstanding as they put on hundred runs with no wicket inside the first 14 overs, so gave us a solid platform to make the total that we did. We would have liked to accelerate a bit more toward the back end of our innings and probably placed 160 runs. If we’d scored that we’d have run fairly comfortably. CCCU bowled well towards the end of the last four, five overs and kept it tight, making it quite difficult for us. But we made 147 largely down to our openers. In the field, there were no stand out performances, probably our best bowler Cam Flack opening the bowling really well and bowled two overs towards the end for only two runs, which is outstanding. Overall, our best attribute was our togetherness and teamwork. When we started well, when batting, the CCCU were getting on each other’s backs where as we were the complete opposite. Our togetherness as a team through the full 120 balls of our innings and theirs as well were outstanding. It set us apart throughout the day. Very harsh to single out one player, today is a victory for the team.

What is the main difference between the men and the women’s cricket?

Because female it’s a lot less popular, but on the rise of course, it’s a lot less simplified game where as some of the men have been playing since the age of three or four. However, looking at our women’s team today and watching them progress as they have done is outstanding. The team have been training a ton, and Christ Church had no chance.

Sum up your experience in one word.

Cloud9, I’m on Cloud9.



Time: 12:30

Where: St. Lawrence Cricket Ground

It was an intense match between the UKC and CCCU women. As CCCU choice to bat first, only two members (Beth Marsh and Lauren Perkins) of the UKC team batted as Kent were already far enough in the scoring to win; Marsh and Perkins often open together, as batting is arguably their strongest trait. The team stated that when you decide whether to bat or field first, it is best to do first what the team is strongest at. Christ Church scored 89, UKC chasing them down without loosing a wicket and UKC winning by 10 wickets.

How does it feel to have won?

Danielle Weller (Captain): Really, really good. I was quite nervous I have to admit and it’s been a calm win, and I’m all about the calm and serene.

Bethany Marsh (Previous Captain): I mean we lost it last year so there was more riding on the line this year. It’s a pretty good feeling. I’m going to get pretty drunk tonight. My last varsity.

Lauren Perkins (Vice Captain): It feels great. I was one of the batters and it feels even better!

Jordan Garland (Future Captain): Amazing, loving it, getting bevved now.

Are you surprised that Kent won?

Hannah Fernández (Social Sec): No. We always bat first, which was a shock when we had to field first. A lot of activity going on the pitch, putting pressure on the other team. It makes a difference. We’ve been training every week.

Beth: No, I mean, we’ve trained and totalled up 150 hours in training. The girls put all into it.

Lauren: I don’t think so, just because we played them on Tuesday for our BUCS match and won. And it went really well, so we were just more excited to play!

What are the team’s best attributes?

Lauren: Just having people who are really good at batting and bowling, we have a really good team bond. We work really well together, bringing people up rather than bringing them down when things go wrong, and I think that’s the main thing that draws us together.

Danielle: Everything. They’re so hard working and they’ve really put in the effort. Persistence. I love my team.

Beth: The best thing that we do is stick together as a team and really good at supporting one another.

Hannah: Drinking? That’s mine! We’re all great banter and stick really well together..

What is the difference between the men’s and women’s cricket?

Hannah: Men’s is more intense, stronger and paced players. The girls are more chilled out but we still work as hard. A lot more intense when it comes to guys.

Danielle: The level of intensity, a lot of them are counter players so the standard is very high. Whereas women’s cricket, you get a handful of good players and the people that have only just started, which is great, but it does set the levels apart.

Jordan: Men’s cricket is much faster. It’s exactly the same game, same number of overs, just much faster. More support, people love it! Very exciting I guess, much tighter, the teams are very tight. With us, it’s win or lose.

Lauren: Probably for men’s cricket, it’s a lot easier to find people to play since they were young. Women’s cricket has only just started gathering momentum, and we often get people who haven’t played before. The guys probably have more people.

Sum up your Cricket experience in one word.

Beth and Lauren: Memorable.

Jordan: Fantastic!

Danielle: Can I just be cheesy and say amazing? Great weather!

Hannah: Majestic!


1st Men’s Team: CCCU

Time: 3.30pm

Place: St Lawrence Cricket Ground

There was sweat and tears, competitive fun, but through all the 1st team still worked as a unit. Although CCCU stole this win, the team still played incredibly well and had an amazing time doing so. They were confident playing, stating that it’s all about mindset. The assistant coach Aaron spoke to InQuire and told us: “I’m happy with the results so far, however I think to improve we need to go for deeper shots. Despite the loss, the team are good fellas and a great team.”

Whilst we stood and watched the day unfold, InQuire took to the stands to talk to some of the other UKC cricket players, who told us some interesting statements.

Have you enjoyed the match?

Lewis Lathey (Chairman): People played very well today. There was togetherness, the captains are supportive and the players support the captain, they’ve done that really well and we want to promote that through the club.

Jason Moore: There’s been three and I’ve enjoyed them all. I love the woman’s game.

Would you recommend cricket to freshers?

Jason: Definitely, oh definitely. Best socials on campus.

Dan Bird: Everyone’s in the library right now, but we’re out here, living the dream. Cricket is the place to be, we have two varsity events. We have six games. We’re that good that we have to keep showing off. You should join cricket! Cricket is a summer sport as well, everything else is like winter, you run about in the snow for a bit and then you come out and play some cricket…

Do you prefer playing cricket or the social side?

Lewis: I prefer the playing to social.

Jim Rowlings (Social Sec): I prefer the social side. Our society is very inclusive, men and women together. We have a laugh.

Owen Maskell: Cricket is my love, cricket is cricket.

Jason: They kind of intermingle. The social side starts on the field. But in the winter, you don’t play much, so it’s all social and it’s great.

One word to sum up your cricket experience.

Owen: Cricket.

Lewis: Enjoyable.

Dan: Jason. (laughs) A beautiful tie. We do have the greatest tie.

Jason: I need more then one word. Three words?

Chiggy: I need four. See ball, hit ball.