Girls with Dreams Become Women with Vision

Photo by Tina Leggio | Flickr

Girls with Dreams Become Women with Vision

We have come a long way since the pursuit for women’s right to vote and emancipation from their subordination to the testosterone-filled species. Or have we not? The opening statement … Continue Reading →

Photo by Chris | Flickr

Government should work harder to improve apprentices’ wages

With ever-increasing university tuition fees, it’s no wonder young people today are opting to try and join the workplace rather than continue on with university in which you have … Continue Reading →

Photo by HMRC | Flickr

Legal Loopholes for Tax Avoidance should not be legal

Tax evasion has apparently now spawned an alternate, subdued, subtle form; that of ‘tax avoidance’. This sly and apparently legal method of ‘avoiding’ tax is actually exactly … Continue Reading →


Stop Taxing Essentials at Essentials. Period.

In many ancient cultures, it was common practice for women to come together during their periods, or their ‘moon time’ to sit down in ‘moon huts’ or ‘red tents’ in order … Continue Reading →

Ched Evans topic

There is a victim who needs sympathy, support and a second chance… and it is not Ched Evans

The debate surrounding whether the convicted rapist Ched Evans should be allowed to return to football has, at times, horrified me.
His 19 year old victim has been completely forgotten … Continue Reading →

Photo: Flickr

Vote on May 7th! And give the carpenter a ladder while you’re at it.

First Past The Post (FPTP); this is the sole sentence a non-voter need utter to justify why, come May, much like in 2010, and 2005, and 2001, and every election day which went … Continue Reading →

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