Labour’s pledge to cut tuition fees to £6,000

Photo by Fabian Society | Flickr

Labour’s pledge to cut tuition fees to £6,000

“The government has designed a system which is burdening students with debt today and set to weigh down the taxpayer with more debt tomorrow” – Ed Miliband.
Labour … Continue Reading →

Photo: Press Association/BBC

“Red Ed” believes he’s liberating students from shackles of high tuition fees… but is it enough?

In the past few years the contentious issue of tuition fees and how the education system should be managed has soared to new heights of controversy. The 2011 riots are of course one … Continue Reading →

Farage isn't the only one who can cause a bit of noise. Oh, and 10 points to the first person to photoshop this image....Photo: Michael Preston

One man and an army can make an awful lot of noise, but I know our outward-looking generation can be just as loud.

The last two weeks have been a bit of a rollercoaster ride in politics for the ever-increasing right-wing Ukip – and me!
We started off the year with Farage’s Army – … Continue Reading →

Broadcasters have invited the Ukip leader to take part in one of three televised debates [GETTY]

“So why are Ukip being allowed to participate but not any of the other minority parties?” – Fraser Whieldon on the General Election TV Debates

Fraser Whieldon discusses the inclusion of Nigel Farage in the TV Debates for the General Election 2015, and the exclusion of the Green Party and SNP.
The … Continue Reading →


Ed Miliband announces his support for mansion tax

Labour leader, Ed Miliband, has announced that his party will back new plans to tax homes worth over £2m.
Mr Miliband has stated, “a one nation Labour government led by me will … Continue Reading →

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