Maintenance grants get scrapped in new Government budget


Maintenance grants get scrapped in new Government budget

Maintenance grants are to be eliminated from September 2016, as was announced in George Osborneā€™s budget on Wednesday 8 July. This is expected to affect over half a million students … Continue Reading →

CY3WYR UK Border Passport Control Terminal 5 Heathrow Airport, England, United KIngdom, UK

Book Review: Finding Home by Emily Dugan

Julia Mitchell reviews award-winning reporter Emily Duganā€™s first book, Finding Home: Real Stories of Migrant Britain.
In Britain the topic of immigration can be incredibly … Continue Reading →

Falcons 15&16

Kent Falcons begin preparations for BUCS 15/16

The Falcons, UKCā€™s American Football team, have taken huge strides in the last few years, becoming regular play-off contenders. Only 12 months ago, they won their first … Continue Reading →


Kent Alumnus E.L. James releases a 50 Shades spin-off

Sex sells? Well for the Fifty Shades of Grey franchise it certainly does! And sheā€™s at it again- Kent alumnus and author E.L. James has brought out a fourth, spin-off novel entitled … Continue Reading →

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Book review: The Parrots by Alexandra Shulman

InQuireā€™s own fashion-head, Coco Kent, reviews the latest novel to come from British Vogueā€™s Editor in Chief Alexandra Shulman
Itā€™s been three years since … Continue Reading →

Photo by University of Kent | Flickr

Kent Wheel Returns to Canterbury Campus

After a few months absence, the Kent Wheel is now back on the Canterbury campus. The Wheel is reported to remain on campus until 15 October, and will open to the public once more from … Continue Reading →

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