The Books Are My Bag Campaign launches for 2015

The Books Are My Bag Campaign launches for 2015

Website Culture Editor Julia Mitchell reports on the upcoming Books Are My Bag Campaign, letting us know how we can all get involved with our local bookshops in Canterbury.
When it … Continue Reading →

Kent students #Currentlyreading

Two University of Kent students, Amy Marsella and Laura Griffin, tell us about the books that they’ve been #currentlyreading over the past few weeks.
Amy Marsella is nearing … Continue Reading →

Eight Literary Ways to Decorate Your Student Room

It’s that time of year again. The summer holidays are finally over, you’ve arrived at Kent and are all settled into your new student bedroom. But although you’ve … Continue Reading →


Book review: The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness

Website Culture Editor, Julia Mitchell, reviews the latest offering from the critically acclaimed author of the Chaos Walking trilogy: The Rest of Us Just Live Here.
If you spend any … Continue Reading →


The 4 classic and modern classic authors that I wish could continue to write

With the publication of Harper Lee’s much anticipated second novel Go Set a Watchman, many people have started to wonder about other authors, both modern classical and classical, … Continue Reading →

CY3WYR UK Border Passport Control Terminal 5 Heathrow Airport, England, United KIngdom, UK

Book review: Finding Home by Emily Dugan

Julia Mitchell reviews award-winning reporter Emily Dugan’s first book, Finding Home: Real Stories of Migrant Britain.
In Britain the topic of immigration can be incredibly … Continue Reading →

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