The Feminist Society’s lad culture conference

Dr Marian Duggan and Dr Phil Hubbard. Photo by: Josh Hards

The Feminist Society’s lad culture conference

As part of International Women’s Day, the Feminist Society at the University of Kent (UKC) presented a conference on the topic of “lad culture”. The conference included … Continue Reading →

Photo by Cerys Thomas

Kent Union Elections 2015: Results Night Photos

Kent Union Elections Night 2015 saw four of the existing 2014/15 Sabbatical Officers re-elected for another term. The first announcement of the night was for VP (Education), which was … Continue Reading →

Photo by: University of Kent

University of Kent vice-chancellor’s £40,000 pay rise

Professor Dame Julia Goodfellow, the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Kent, received a £43,000 pay rise last year.
The Vice-Chancellor’s wage increase has been calculated as … Continue Reading →

Photo by Kent Union

KU Elections 2015: Tammy Naidoo is new Kent Union President

Tammy Naidoo has been re-elected as Union President for another year.
Naidoo’s main manifesto points were:
– Lobby the University to review the Medway shuttle buses.
– … Continue Reading →

Photo by Kent Union

KU Elections 2015: Nina Mehmi Wins VP (Sport)

Nina Mehmi has been re-elected as the Kent Union Vice-President (Sport) for another year.
Her main manifesto points for re-election were:
– More funding for sports clubs.
– Free … Continue Reading →

tom currie info

KU Elections 2015: Tom Currie Wins VP (Activities)

Tom Currie has been re-elected as Kent Union Vice-President (Activities) for another year.
Tom’s main manifesto points were:
– Pilot an online banking system for student groups … Continue Reading →

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