One man and an army can make an awful lot of noise, but I know our outward-looking generation can be just as loud.

Farage isn't the only one who can cause a bit of noise. Oh, and 10 points to the first person to photoshop this image....Photo: Michael Preston

One man and an army can make an awful lot of noise, but I know our outward-looking generation can be just as loud.

The last two weeks have been a bit of a rollercoaster ride in politics for the ever-increasing right-wing Ukip – and me!
We started off the year with Farage’s Army – … Continue Reading →

Broadcasters have invited the Ukip leader to take part in one of three televised debates [GETTY]

“So why are Ukip being allowed to participate but not any of the other minority parties?” – Fraser Whieldon on the General Election TV Debates

Fraser Whieldon discusses the inclusion of Nigel Farage in the TV Debates for the General Election 2015, and the exclusion of the Green Party and SNP.
The … Continue Reading →


Whisper it, but the Farage factor is protecting politics

Chris Chambers argues that Nigel Farage is an “incredibly important part of politics in Britain” and that we ” should be thankful that Ukip provide another perspective”.
“Does … Continue Reading →

Tory defector Mark Reckless joined Ukip. Photo: PA

The Highs and Lows of the Ukip Conference 2014

Following on from the Ukip Annual Conference in October, James Prentice runs us through some of the key points made, and how their idea of ‘governance changes as much as the wind … Continue Reading →

Nigel Farage

Say Hello to the ‘Clowns’: UKIP’s Rise as a New Political Force

Nigel Farage recently explained his belief that there are two types of people in politics, those who want to be something and those who want to do something. The UKIP leader … Continue Reading →

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